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"Are you sure you're okay Keith?" I asked while my maids tighten my gown.

I held a breath while they tie my back. I can't believe I'm gonna live my life with gowns this tight.

"Of course I am. Today is the grand celebration for the orphanage. I heard Mom set the desserts for tonight." He excitedly said and I hummed.

I was wearing a rose gold fitted gown with a lace top and has long sleeves.

My maids put on light make up as I wanted and attached daisies around my hair.

"You look gorgeous Ruthy. I hope there ain't no suitors around?" Keith teased and we both laughed.

"If there will be, he better be royal or it's his end." I said and chuckled.

Keith immediately went to the Ball Room while I haste. He looks really excited for the desserts.

The guards opened both the doors and I heard the trumpets play.

"Your Highness, Princess Ruthyelia Nobingale of Rinovea." Sir Saint announced and the visitors bowed.

The music played and the room was busy. Chatting here and eating there.

"Ruthy! You have to try the desserts!" Called Keith who is seating at a table eating some tart.

I started to find for the table where the desserts are. I was squeezing myself through the people who are busy when I saw a man who I thought was familiar.

I walked closely and I was right. I did know him.

"What a small world." I said in a sassy manner. This guy is still in my nerves.

"Hello Princess. Do you like to have cheesecake again? We brought extra today." Noah said in a proud voice. Wow I just can't believe him.

"Well no no. I'd like to have...." I started to think of a plan on how I can get revenge on this Noah.

"That. Is that a cupcake?" I asked and he nodded. He grabbed a piece and even added more frosting. He placed it on a plate and handed it to me.

When I almost got a hold of the plate, I purposedly dodged it and it landed on my chest.

I squeeled and the ball suddenly became quiet.

"How dare you!" I exclaimed and he was shocked.

"I-I... Wait." He looked confused of what happened.

"Princess Ruthy, is there something wrong?" I heard Saint behind me.

I turned and his eyes widened.

Imperfections of a RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now