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It's finally the day. Brylle's 20th birthday. My maids put me on a beige long gown with long sleeves and I'm telling you, it is the most uncomfortable dress I have yet I have to wear it since Queen Josephine likes the color beige. I'm not doing this because of that...alright...it's pure coincidence.

"I don't know why I'm nervous. I don't know." Althea said as she keep on pacing.

She got ready earlier than me and now she's ranting here in my room while I get ready.

"Why are you nervous? There's nothing to be worried about." I assured her as my maids busy themselves.

She continued pacing. "I don't know. I just feel like something is going to happen."

I sighed then peeked at her at my mirror. "Relax, Althea. Nothing is going to happen. Unless Brylle suddenly shows up and thanks us for the feast." I joked.

She inhaled sharply. "Oh my gosh, what if he does?"

I giggled. Althea sometimes gets paranoid from stuff like this, like occasions. She's a very bright and energetic woman but she still has a soft spot for things. That's why we kinda get along. I'm a little happy-go-lucky kind of person and she's here to always keep me on track. We rely on each other very much.

"Girls, are you ready?" Mom said from behind. I turned and saw her by the door. She was wearing the gown Queen Josephine designed. It was gift from Mom's birthday last year.


"Thank you so much everyone for making this happen. I'm glad that we get to celebrate Brylle's birthday together." Queen Josephine said as we all gather in the Dining Hall.

"Now, let's eat!" King Ricardo exclaimed.

It was like a fun party. The chattering was not annoying, it was rather relaxing. I felt like everybody was having a break from the stressful world and just wanted to treasure this little moment together. We had crab soup and turkey with corn and carrots for the menu tonight and dessert was cake of course.

I kinda feel nervous because I requested this cake from Noah. I want this day to be special for the Wilhems because it's the first time they'll be celebrating Brylle's birthday here in our palace. I want them to feel that we're here for them as a second family.

"And now, Your Highness' and Your Majesties, it's time for the cake."

We all stood as the kitchen doors opened. The cake was in two layers, it was a warm beige color. It had blueberry fondant and blueberries on top with white daisies. I was in awe. Noah exceeded my expectations. It was even better than I imagined it would be.

"Blueberry cheesecake as requested from the Princess." Noah said then looked at me.

I turned to see Queen Josephine and King Ricardo's reactions and they were embracing each other. I had my hands cover my mouth from shock. Queen Josephine was in tears.

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