A Trip to the Mall

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The two boys and Teresa were each given three hundred dollars to shop with, courtesy of Newt's mother. They were told that they'd be staying on a beach and there would be a yacht. Teresa immediately goes into Victoria's Secret in search of a swimsuit while the boys went in search of food.

Once at the food court both boys settle on pizza. Thomas takes his pizza by the crust and lets it hang down. He tilts his head up and directs it over his mouth, lowering it slowly until he can bite off a big piece.

Newt merely admires his boyfriend and chuckles at how childlike he is.
"You're cute." Newt tells Thomas.

"Not reawwy. I dun knuw why you're dawting me." Thomas says with his mouth full.

Just as Newt is about to object and reassure his boyfriend, two arms wrap around his shoulders from behind. "Yeah, you know, I'm not sure why you're dating him either. He's a pig. Why him when you could have me." A voice says from behind.

Newt squirms out of Minho's hold and flips him off. "You're a fucking idiot, Minho. Thomas is a billion times the man you or your little sidekicks will ever be. And if anyone's the pig, it's you. What kind of person is about to have the nerve to try and steal someone else's boyfriend?!"

Minho puts his hand to his heart dramatically, "Baby, I thought you loved me. You said you did when we were having rough, hot sex in my dream last night, that is. And let me tell you, it was hot. You said it all out of breath as I was pounding into you."

Newt and Minho keep fighting and Thomas looks down silently. He doesn't deserve Newt. Did he? He's just a big problem to Newt, right? No. He has to stop these thoughts. Newt loves him. He tells him all the time. He shouldn't be questioning Newt's love for him.

"You know what, Minho, it was a dream for a reason, because it's never gonna happen. Now get lost before I kick your ass, and stop fucking hitting on my boyfriend, you creep." Thomas says in a dangerously calm manner.

"You heard him, get lost." Newt says before kissing Thomas hard on the mouth. "You're a sweetheart and I love you. Don't you ever doubt that, okay?" Newt whispers in his ear.

Meanwhile Teresa is still in Victoria's Secret rummaging through the bathing suits.

Newt and Thomas get up, connect hands, and go off to shop. They walk past the store Teresa is in and hear their names being called. The look over to see the brunette girl.

"This one or this one?" She yelle to them.

"You're still looking in there?" Newt asks.

Teresa sends him a glare, "I said, which one." Thomas quickly points to the one on the left. It was a plain dark red one piece that tied at the neck.

"I was thinking that one too," she says, putting the other one down and heading towards the cashier.

Newt rolls his eyes as they go into Hollister, "Girls are crazy."
Thomas nods in agreement as they go and get swim shorts and a couple other things their own.

This trip was gonna be hell.
A/N: Hey, here's a new chapter! Sorry for the slow updates and stuff. School is giving me hell. But, it's spring break! So I'm hoping to update two or three more times this week! It's a pretty crappy chapter, sorry. But I hope you like it! Vote, comment, and share if you'd like! Thanks!

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