I'll Help You

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of child abuse.

"Shut up." Newt says grouchily. The two boys kiss before leaving the room. The boat had been moving and they were already pretty far out.

"Hey, Nathan just told me that we aren't going to be stopping for a while. Guess your guys's plan is ruined." Teresa says.

Newt was about to reply before a voice interrupted, "What plan?"

Tommy turns around to see the young boy from the other day. "Hey, Thomas, how're you?"

"Hi, Tommy! Hi, Newt! Hi, lady!" Thomas says with a wide grin.

"Hey, buddy, what's up?" Newt says, walking up to him. The younger boy signals Newt to pick him up.

"My mommy said to leave her alone so I found my daddy and he said he was busy. So I found you guys. Can I play with you?" Thomas asks innocently.

"Of course you can! We'll have a blast!" Tommy says enthusiastically. "Can you wait here with Teresa really quick?" Thomas nods fast and the two boys move away a little.

"They're neglecting him. It breaks my heart, Newt." Tommy whispers.

"I know, Tommy. He's the sweetest kid ever, but I'm not sure what to do."

"I know, I just wish that you guys were in a different family because yours sucks. Well, most of it. No offense."

"Trust me, no offense taken. They do suck. We do need to find out if they do anything else."

"Yeah, we'll spend the day with him and try to figure things out."

Newt nods and they go over to the Thomas. "Hey, buddy, how about we play together for the whole day?" Newt asks as excitedly as he can. Thomas nods his head fast. Teresa waves bye, leaving the three boys to it.

"Yay! Let's first swim and then we can eat and play with a ball and then we can play army and barbies! But don't tell mommy that we're gonna play barbies because she gets mad and spanks me when I do."

"Yeah, we can do all of those things! And I won't tell your mommy." Tommy tells the boy.

"Okay! This'll be great!" Thomas says, jumping excitedly.

"Hey, Thomas, where does your mommy spank you?" Newt asks, trying to keep the concern from his voice.

"Mostly on my bum, but sometimes she gets my face. She doesn't mean too. And she always says sorry. Well, not always but sometimes." Thomas says, mumbling the last part.

Tears form in Tommy's eyes and he has to turn around so Thomas doesn't see.

"Does your daddy hit you?" Newt asks in a hushed voice, kneeling in front of the little boy.

"I'm not supposed to talk about this stuff, mommy and daddy said so." Thomas says, looking at the ground.

Tommy turns back around and kneels next to Newt. "Hey, bud, it's alright. Me and Newt won't tell, I pinky promise." Tommy says, sticking out his pinky.

They little boy hesitates a minute before linking pinkies with Tommy. "O-okay. As long as you don't tell. My daddy sometimes doesn't let me have food when I do something bad. Him and mommy say that they don't want me and they call me bad names. But I can't tell no one or else they'll hate me. They said so. And I just want them to love me." Thomas says, starting to cry.

Newt and Tommy start crying and hug the boy. "Hey, bud, if you can hang on for a couple more months, you can come live with me and Tommy, how does that sound?"

"B-but w-what about-t m-mommy and daddy-y? Won't they h-hate me?" Thomas says, trying to get the words out.

"Your mommy and daddy are mean to you. You need to be around people that are nice to you and care about your well being. We'll take care of you, okay? But you can't tell anyone." Tommy says, trying to reassure the boy.

"O-okay. I w-won't." Thomas says, wiping his tears off with his hand.

"Now let's dry up these tears completely and play. How about it?"

"Yeah!" Thomas says, perking up.

Thomas grabs Newt and Tommy's hands, pulling them along and Tommy can't stop thinking about how badly he wants to help this kid.

A/n: This chapter is crap, but I'm hoping the next one with be okay. Comment, vote, share. Thanks for reading!

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