Chapter 1

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Word Count: 1090

Warnings: None


Whispers of light fled through the fierce veil of night, chasing shadows across the morning fields.  The stars' light, hidden by the rays of dawn.  It was the break of day, ending the silence brought by night.  Birds whisking about, chirping their morning tune.  People moaning and groaning, thoughts wandering towards their want of bed.  Dawn was the wake up call of every living creature stretched across the nine realms.  Not one was an exception.

"Heimdall." A voice called through the open air.  The responder had turned to face the voice.  Stoic emotions plagued his face.  Not a single ounce of concern or amusement danced in his yellow eyes as he faced his king.

"Your daughter.  She is missing." Odin seemed almost as emotionless as his comrad, "Do you have eyes on her?" Instead of the normal 'yes', a smirk lit the dark man's face.

"I haven't had eyes on her since since she was conceived."


"Thor!  Thor, slow down!" Laughed a girl, racing through the forest grounds.  The blonde in front of her didn't bother to listen to her request.  Rather he sped up than slowing down, bringing a challenge to the surface.

"Lady (Y/n), you do not have the speed to outrun me." The prince exclaimed with a toothy grin on his face.  She couldn't argue with his statement.  She didn't have nearly half of the muscles that Thor had.  He was much stronger in every way, except for intelligence.  That, she could easily beat him at.

Her (e/c) eyes flashed yellow, leaving her with the glimpses of a knight rushing their direction.  "Thor!  Fandral's coming!" The words paused the god before he was to have ran off too far.  With the pull of his hammer, the two were drawn into the trees.  Leaves covered their tracks to leave the blonde knight confused.

After a short chuckle, the girl sighed.  "If Blondie is looking for us then we should head back." Booming laugher escaped the Asgardian male.

"You know he hates it when you call him that." He jested, knowing his friend well, but all she did was smirk.

"That's why I call him that." (Y/n) proudly claimed before resting her tired body against the bark of the tall oak tree.  Thor, aching much like her, found a spot in the tree.  His muscular arm draped around her shoulders and a smile lit his face.

He hesitated before asking a question.  "What is my brother Loki doing?" Anger appeared clear on her face when he asked.

"Last time you told me to check on him he was bedding a maid!" Red blush was clear on her face from embarrassment, and amusement was clear on Thor's.

"For the record I did not know he had such intents with her.  And you have given me a decent blackmail on him." He, clearly, enjoyed that much more than she did.

"Like you fair any better.  Need I remind you of when you and Fandral-"

"We were drunk!  We had no idea it would bring such- thoughts." Now it was his turn to be embarrassed, and her turn to laugh.  "Just check on my brother." He was very blunt with his words, out of embarrassment.  The girls eyes turned to a yellow hue as she searched for the sly brother.  In return, her sight led to a library.

The natural lit room was quite a beauty.  Tiers of bookshelves formed a maze within the library.  Each shelf was hand crafted.  Every minor detail carved by the delicate hand of an Asgardian.  It was hard to spot the prince, hiding in the shadows.  His golden design on his chestplate gave off a shallow glow, attracting her attention.

"Library, reading Wives and Daughters." It was a weird choice for a man of his character.  She wouldn't question the choice any farther though, and Thor seemed pleased with her answer.

"Thank you Lady (Y/n)." The prince smiled, "You must invite Loki next time we leave the palace." His childish behavior never failed to make (Y/n) smile.

"If you insist I must, then I shall." Her head tilted in a playful manor.  The younger prince was a mystery to her.  Not once had he ever bothered to speak to her.  When they would meet in the library, he would simply grab his book and leave.  Despite growing up with the two gods, she barely knew Loki. 

A grand smile from her friend left her happy as she climbed down the oak.  It was time for her to get back, before anyone panicked about her missing presence.  It was a bit late for that though.  Panic was a bit exaggerated, but worried was close.  It would be a disaster for the kingdom if her sight had fallen into the wrong hands. 

"Heimdallsdottir!  By the nine, where were you!?" A guard spoke as soon as she was in sight.  Of course they had noticed she was gone rather quickly.  Her usual place in the garden was vacant.

"I was merely out for a stroll," She kept up a poised attitude, struggling once she heard the loud god behind her, "with Thor. . ." Internally, the girl couldn't help but groan.  The guard didn't seem to question it though.

"I will alert the Allfather about your presence." Now that she could take it in, his voice was rather intimidating.  Deep and masculine, sometimes a bit harsh too.  Removing the thought of the man from her head, she walked down the many halls of the palace.

(Y/n) was in search of one man in particular, and she was determined to find him.  Loki.  She knew where he was at all times, but it was a matter of catching up to the prince.  It was almost as if he knew she was tracking him down.  After a good few minutes, the girl stumbled across him in the library.

"Loki?" Her soft voice lifted his icy gaze towards her.  Almost instantly did she seem to freeze.  He's so . . . intimidating, her mind spoke before she could control her thoughts.  A smirk of amusement placed his face.  She knew he heard that comment even if it wasn't for every ear to read.  It was just for those who could see inside her head.

"Thor requested that I ask if it would please you to come along our next adventure." She was hesitant about asking, but still tried to stand strong and not be afraid.  His smirk transformed into something more genuine.  A smile.

"That would indeed please me.  Thank you."

Hey there :) if you actually read this book then omg, I didn't write crappp.  This chapter isn't really anything big, just introducing where (Y/n) stands as an individual.  I hope to see some of you stick along for this journey ^v^


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