Chapter 1 ♡

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Tony and his husband Dr Strange were relaxing in the living room of Avengers tower when their son Peter walked in with a proud expression on face. Peter started singing, "Bi-derman, bi-derman, does whatever a bi-der can, kiss a man? Sure, why not, also thinks, girls are hot. Look out here comes the Bi-derman!!" And with that Peter Naruto ran back out of the room.

"Was that him coming out to us?" Tony questioned with an odd look.

"He does realise that we're gay right?" Dr. Strange replies and looks at his husband worriedly. Strange continued, "I think he needs to go to therapy..."

Tony sighed and sat up as he put a hand on his husband's knee, "don't worry babe, I got this" he said with a not-so-subtle smirk.

He walked to Peter's room and knocked loudly on the door, hearing a small 'come in' from inside. He opened the door and said "hey kid" then went to sit at the end of Peter's bed. He looked at his son and said, "you ever think maybe you need therapy?"

Peter raised an eyebrow at him "uhh I don't know, maybe?" He thought for a moment more, "why, do you think I do?"

"Yes" Tony replied with a straight face.

"Wow thanks a lot dad" Peter said sarcastically and rolled his eyes but laughed a little, nonetheless.

Tonys lips quirked up at that, "don't worry I was just joking kid, but I do have someone you can call if ya want to" Peter nodded slightly so Tony recited a phone number to him, and Peter quickly entered it into his phone. "See you for dinner".

"Yeah ok, thanks dad" Peter replied as Tony was leaving the room.

'Please let this work' Tony said to himself and plonked back down on the couch to snuggle with his beautiful husband.

"What did you do?" Dr. Strange said with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Oh nothing" Tony answered with a smug look. "Nothing at all"

~ ~ ~ the next day~ ~ ~

Peter decided to text the number because why not? He pressed the contact and started typing.


Hi, I'm peter, you're the therapist, right?

Unknown number:
Uhh no? I think you've got the wrong number lol

OH IM SO SORRY! I must've typed in the wrong number, please just ignore me! Have a wonderful day stranger!

Unknown number:
It's ok, bye.


~ ~ ~ a few days later ~ ~ ~


uGH Im SO boRed!!!
Answer me plsssss
I have absolutely nothing to do and I'm gonna DIE of boredom I SWEARRR!!
I just got home from school and there's NOTHING TO DO HERE

Unknown number:
You're still in school?

Yea! I'm 17
You're probably some 60-year-old pedophile tryna kidnap me!

Unknown number:
I am not! I happen to be 18 thank you very much!

Yea sure, where's the proof, pedophile?

Unknown number:
I'm not a pedophile!! My name is Harley.

peter changed the contact from 'unknown number' to 'Harley'

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