Chapter 3 ♡

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~next day~

Peter woke up to the delicious smell of bacon and eggs! 'Mmm that smells really good I've gotta go eat it all before anyone else does.' He raced out into the kitchen to see Steve and Bucky cooking breakfast and he slowly creeped up behind them and stole the huge plate of bacon.

"MUAHAHAHA!!!l" Peter laughed manically and jumped onto the ceiling careful not to spill the plate. "All precious" Peter sounded demented, but man did he love bacon.

"Peter no!" Steve called after him as he ran around, still on the ceiling.

"Peter yes!" Peter called back as he stuck his tongue out at the patriotic man.

"Peter No!!!" Tony said walking into the kitchen after wondering what all the yelling was about.

"PETER YES!" Peter giggled evilly.

Harley walked into the room and somehow didn't seem to yet realise that Peter was literally on the ceiling. He looked up and eyed Peter and the plate of bacon, quickly realising what the screaming was about. He eyed Peter, "Peter..." he said slowly.

"Peter maybe?" Peter said with a pouty face to Harley.

"What? No, Peter yes!! But give me some!" Harley replied laughing with Peter.

But then he realised. "WAIT HUH!? YOU- THE CEILING- HUHHH?!" Harley said only just processing the shocking fact that Peter was sitting on the ceiling.

Peter gracefully dropped to the floor and looked towards Tony, Tony nodded slightly with a small smile signalling to Peter that he can tell Harley.

"Come with me, I got something to explain." Peter said gently as he took Harley's hand beginning to lead him out of the room. This caused Harley to snap (I hate you @ReeceWithoutASpoon, from your incredible friend @needmoremusic) back to reality as he felt himself heat up at the contact. This obviously didn't go unnoticed by the Avengers who all smirked at him. He quickly looked down and followed Peter back to his room.

Peter sat down on his bed with Harley, still holding his hand. Harley looked down at their conjoined hands and smiled at himself.

"Ok so you must be more than a little confused about what just happened..." Peter said slowly, biting his lip from nervousness.

"Uhh yea I guess, I mean it's not every day you see someone on the ceiling." Harley chucked.

"imspiderman!" Peter said, way too fast to be coherent.

"What was that?" Harley tilted his head to the side in confusion.

Peter took a deep breath. "I'm Spider-Man."

Harleys eyes widened. "Oh wow ok that actually makes sense..." he said still processing what had been revealed to him.

"Harley I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't want you to freak out or think I'm weird or something." Peter said looking down.

Harley squeezed Peter's hand reassuringly. "Don't worry darlin I understand, and I don't think that makes you weird at all, I see all the good things you do for the city and it's honestly incredible!"

"Thanks Harley" Peter blushed when Harley complimented him. I mean sure he gets compliments as Spider-Man all the time but it's different when the boy he loved said it to him.

Harley smiled at the sight of Peter's blush covered cheeks, "of course darlin. Anyway I'm gonna go take a shower" He said and kissed Peter's cheek before getting up and leaving the room.

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