MLB X TMNT 2012 Slash and Destroy 1st Part

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(The canon characters do not know about Noisette's secret hangout with the turtles and the turtle found out about Arachne's identity)

In the underground lair in the sewers, Mikey was trying to beat the final level of an arcade game with Leo and Noisette watching, but he lost and has to start over again as he yells, "NOOO! I was SO close, Leo! I almost had him!" Mikey complained with a hurt expression as his eldest brother, Leo, pats him on the head and told him it's alright, before getting a turn on the arcade game. Suddenly, the three heard a loud yell, "MIKEY!" The turtle with a red mask, Raph, storms out of his room with an angry look while holding his pet turtle Spike. He went up to Mikey with a comic book and yells, "You got pizza stains all over my modern Ninja Warrior magazine. They're ruined!"

Mikey was chill and says, "Dude, those things are, like, 20 years old. They're not exactly modern." Raph was mad and says, "They're vintage. It took me six years to collect them! SIX YEARS!" Mikey took the magazine and says, "Chillax, dude, I'll clean it for you." He starts to lick the stains as Noisette finds it disgusting while Raph growled, puts Spike on a crate, grabs the magazine from him, and hits him with it as he yells, "You mess up everything, Mikey!"

"It's just stuff, Raph. Meager possessions. What does it matter?" Leo asked, not paying attention to him as Raph says, "What about your precious comic book collection, huh? You and Noisette always stick up for Mikey. Try seeing MY point of view for once." Noisette tries to calm him down as she says, "We get it, Raph, but it's like what Splinter says: Material possessions are fleeting." Raph then kicks the arcade game and yells, "Alright, enough! I'm tired of you three!"

"You're always messing up and I gotta pay for it!" With that, Raph storms away with anger. Meanwhile in Donnie's lab, Donnie was busy mixing up chemicals when he overheard Raph's outburst. He then mutters to himself, "Can they get any louder out there? I'm never gonna find a retro-mutagen at this rate. Who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time?" He then adds a drop of purple substance in the blue substance, causing it to go magenta and made some sizzling noises, concerning Donnie before saying, "Uh oh." Suddenly, fireworks began to launch around the lair, causing Leo, Raph, Mikey and Noisette to get down.

"Hit the deck!" Mikey yelled as he ducked down. Some fireworks destroyed a skateboard and the other destroyed a box of pizza. "MY PIZZA!" Mikey yelled before getting out of the fireworks way and says, "We're under attack!" Raph then notice a firework making it's way to Spike as he ran to him and yells, "Spike! NO!" He dives in to save Spike as the firework destroys the crate and checks if Spike was hurt. He was relieved that Spike wasn't harmed by fireworks.

Donnie came out of his lab, his face covered in ashes, and says, "Wow, I did not see that one coming. Everyone ok?" Raph marched up to him with anger and says, "What are you, crazy?! No, we're NOT ok!" Just then, Master Splinter enters the room and says, "What happened here?" Raph looks at Splinter and says, "I'll tell you what happened, Master Splinter. Donnie almost blew us up, AGAIN! And worst, he almost blew up Spike!"

Donnie looks down with a hurt expression as Noisette tries to calm him down again and says, "Look Raph, Donnie is really sorry, so-" Raph glares at her and yells, "Sorry" doesn't cut it this time!" He storms into Donnie's lab for a minute until he came out with a canister of mutagen and says, "Until the mad scientist gets his act together, I'm holding this for safekeeping." Donnie was reasoning with him as he says, "No, Raph, be reasonable. Come on man, that's my last canister of mutagen."

Raph went to his room and sets the mutagen on top of his drum set while Spike was on a nightstand. He was annoyed as he told Spike, "The others are just holding me back. We should be out there fighting crime, tracking mutagen. But all they want to do is play stupid games. You get it, don't you, Spike?" Raph rubs Spike's shell as he lays on his bed before continuing, "Sometimes I wish I was on my own, doing things MY way. I'm tired of this team." Suddenly he hears his door knocking until it opened to reveal Mikey.

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