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"Hi sir. Would you like a table?" "I made a reservation under maltri" the gentleman grinned "April is waiting for you at the table you requested" "thank you".

"April" "hi dad" April stood up giving me a quick hug before sitting back down. "How are you?" "Better now I am relaxing. How has your week been?" "Fantastic actually" "I'm happy to hear that" "you look tired" "argh I have had so much going on but I plan to use tomorrow as a rest day. Gates locked and no interruptions unless of course its an emergency" "how will you know?" "I will put matt in charge" I nodded "it looks like you need it" "I usually have a relaxing day once a week but because of the new park and private matters I haven't had a chance".
"Excuse me would you both like a drink and a meal" "sorry mich can you give us a moment" "of course".
"You know the staff here?" "Yes I like this place. it's peaceful and the food is lovely. We should have a look at the menu" "I agree".
Looking over the menu the baguette sounded fantastic.
"Have you decided?" "Yes I have and yourself?" "Yes" April nodded.
"Mich" "coming April" I grinned as mich approached the table.
"Can I please get a large latte with two sugars and the lasagna" "of course and you sir?" "Dallas is fine. A black coffee with one Sugar and the baguette please" "sure it won't be long" "thank you".

"How did the court case go?" I grinned "Amelia was amazing. Marielle left with basically nothing. I let her keep her car and the small town house but I managed to keep the rest" April smirked "she has to work now i am guessing?" "Yes she didn't receive a cent. I don't know how Amelia did it but she convinced the judge that I had earned the lot which is true" "god I hope they both learn" "you dislike both of them?" "Marielle has never liked me anyway due to me having my own ideas in life and not acting like Reilly. It has always been about Reilly" "you both received the same" "how did we receive the same. I never got a thing this is why I started working at the age of fifteen" "what do you mean you never received anything?" "Not a cent. It was all given to Reilly. But to answer your question I dislike her. as for Reilly well I more feel sorry for her, she has been basically brain washed since she was a child into believing she is to do all those things and dress the way she does but she also loves the attention" "where you don't" "no thanks. I am happy with how I am" "what about your love life" April shrugged "it's not everything". "Can I ask a question?" "Yes" "you went through a rough patch when you were seventeen. I thought it was because of well turning into a woman but I know it wasn't" April shook her head. "No I liked a guy and I was dating him for fourteen months. He umm he died in a car accident" "oh" putting my head down April spoke "it hurt like hell but I dealt with it" "why did you never approach me April. you know I would be there for you" "I felt like I was always put second in that house" I can understand why she feels that way "I know And I'm sorry" "it's alright I knew deep down if I was to have any connection, it would be with you" I grinned "I probably don't want to know but I'd also like to get to know you more. Was he your first sexual relationship" April shook her head "do not tell me you were younger" April smirked "actually I have never had that" "never?" "No" "oh well now I feel better" April laughed.
"Here you go. A latte and lasagna for you April and a black coffee and baguette for you Dallas" "thank you".

"So will you be moving back to the House?" "No I won't be. I am selling it. I plan to buy another and make it a home. The other house has a lot of memories" "good ones?" "Yes but not for a while" April nodded.

Seeing aprils eyes shift I looked to where she was. Who is that? "Hmm no surprise" seeing Brenton with another women April just shrugged her shoulders "he really likes you, you know" "he hardly knows me. how can he like someone he hardly knows?" "Sometimes you just know when it's right" "I wouldn't know I haven't opened my heart since zane died" "that's why you are so closed off" "I am not closed off" "April if you could actually see the wall you have built, it would be twelve foot high made of stone" "dad I haven't got time for a relationship and.." looking over at Brenton he locked lips with the woman and April shook her head "if you like someone you wouldn't have interest in someone else" I nodded.


"I have really missed you Brenton" aliyah ran her hands up my chest and kissed me. Pulling back I shook my head "no you haven't and I would appreciate it if you didn't touch me or kiss me. I am not supporting you. Now please stop trying to chase me aliyah" going to walk away I seen April and Dallas both taking a glance then saying a few words to each other. Aliyah just screwed my chance. I need to clear this up before I have no hope at all.
"But Brenton I do really miss you not just your money" "not just my money?" Shaking my head I walked away from aliyah and into Gregory's. Hearing a laugh from April, it sounded like heaven.
"Dallas and April" "Brenton" "hi Brenton" "what brings you here?" "I was just walking past until aliyah stopped and tried to get me back. Something about she missed me and doesn't just miss me for my money" Dallas smirked "an ex?" "Unfortunately. She thought it would be okay to put her hands on me and kiss me" "something about ex's" I rolled my eyes. "An ex is an ex for a reason. The only thing she wants is someone to look after her financially and I refuse to do that" "good. Take my ex wife for instance" I nodded.
"How is business April?" "Tiring" "you do look a little tired" she nodded "I am" "you have not rested?" "Not for a little bit. Work and private matters have taken up my time and I have been restless but I will sort that out" "I hope so. You shouldn't run yourself into the ground" "I agree. Thank you. Sorry excuse me".
"Brett how are you feeling?...that's what happens when you are clumsy...do you need a lift from the hospital?... You sure? I honestly don't mind...okay, how long do you think you will be off work?...nah take all the time you need to rest, the position will always be yours...alright take care and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Well besides tomorrow because i am unavailable... yep
...okay thanks Brett and take care alright...I will bye".
"Everything okay April?" "My gardener had a fall on my property earlier today. he fractured his ankle and will be taking a couple of months off" "why didn't you say something. we could've cancelled" "no dad it's fine. I took him to the hospital. Adam will be doing the gardening while Brett is recovering" I grinned "has he been working hard?" "Very" I nodded.
"The business is sold" "wow already?" "Yes".
"What? you sold your business?" "I did. I want to step out of the lime light and just live my life" "it will take sometime for the paparazzi to leave you alone" "I know but it's something I really want to do. Actually April will be my boss" Dallas smirked "you hired him to work at the park?" "Not yet. the ride hasn't opened and that all depends if he can make it to meetings on time" I chuckled "I wasn't part of the staff then. I just came to see you" April smirked "I was only messing around. The job is yours if you want it" "yes I do".
"Argh why are you with her?" looking behind me I shook my head "Marielle" April put her hand up and a male approached. "Ahh excuse me but you didn't even offer me..." "Yes April is everything okay?" "The food and drink is amazing unfortunately the patron that just walked in, is here to cause trouble and I would not like your business to go down the drain" "you need to leave" I internally grinned "what? how dare you?. This young... Thing.." "leave my premises now" "argh" Marielle stomped her posh foot and left. "thanks Arnold" he grinned "anything for you. Can I get you anything else" "no thank you. I will come to the register to pay before we leave" "as always".
"She didn't cause trouble" "I didn't want her anywhere near me" Dallas and I chuckled "you know how to get your way" April winked "it's not what you know, it's who you know. You know all about that dad" "I do and I can't thank you enough".

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