Waking up tangled in not only the sheets but also with Brenton I couldn't help but smile. He made everything feel amazing, he not only told me he loves me, he showed me. I never thought I'd fall for anyone after Zane but Brenton is perfect in everyway. He is gentle, sweet, caring, a hunk as Oakley calls him. Just that thought alone I internally grinned. he treats me with respect, helps me as I do him. I didn't get a chance to speak with him yesterday about the resort but I will.
Feeling Brenton move I removed my leg out from between his and rolled on my back. "I hope you aren't leaving me" "good morning" "mmm morning" I grinned as I looked over at him his eyes were still closed but his face was completely relaxed. Seeing him open them he pulled me close kissing just below my ear. "How can you look like a picture of perfection this time of morning" "oh I'm sure I don't" "hmm you definitely do" Brenton sucked on my neck then nibbled on my ear "always gorgeous" I couldn't help but grin. He always compliments me. Brenton moved and pressed his lips on mine. Parting slightly his tongue entwined with mine as he moved in between my legs, lining his shaft at my entrance. When he pushed forward a moan threatened to escape my lips but I held it in. Everything seems so much more sensitive this morning."We should really go for a shower and have some food" "I agree" "I'm cooking" Brenton chuckled "is this your way of getting in first?" "Yep you made dinner it's only fair" a handsome grin sat on his face "kiss first then I will agree" connecting my lips with his he grinned against mine "you can make breakfast" I chuckled "come on let's get up" "alright".
Having a shower, to my surprise Brenton came to join me but I wasnt disappointed. Both of us getting clean, we got out, dry and dressed. Brushing my hair I then walked out to the kitchen, where Brenton was already making coffee. "I said.." "you make food, I make drinks" I smirked "compromise" he grinned.
Turning my phone on I then started making an omelet for both of us. "holy shit it's eleven a.m" Brenton laughed "well can't say we slept much last night" "that's true".
Hearing my phone go off a few times I shook my head "popular woman" "it can all wait until after breakfast".
Sitting down at the table to eat our meals when we both finished I looked at Brenton.
"I have an idea" Brenton gave me instant eye contact "what's on your mind?" "Well with the resort plans.." "you want to change them?" "No I am happy with them but I want to know if you want to do it together?" Brenton looked at me curiously "I mean we are together and living together. I think it's only right if you own it too" "I'd love to" I grinned "well that's sorted" Brenton chuckled "let me clean these up. Check if any of those missed calls or messages are important" "okay thanks" "you do not need to thank me" "it's the right thing to do".Three missed calls one from Brit, tommy and christian and a message from tommy.
Tommy - thought you would be up by now you lazy bitch. Heard what happened between you and Matt. He had your best interests at heart he was just a dick head and didn't think. Don't kill him, Im not smart enough to be a manager.
I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"What has you laughing?" "Tommy" Brenton grinned "what did he say?"
"thought you would be up by now you lazy bitch. Heard what happened between you and Matt. He had your best interests at heart he was just a dick head and didn't think. Don't kill him, Im not smart enough to be a manager" Brenton laughed "I can see why you were laughing. You should probably talk with matt" "yeah I just don't know if I can keep my cool" "I will come with you if you want" "if you want to" "and Tommy too" I smirked "why tommy?" "It's either him or Oakley" "why though?" "They both have this way of calming you" "so do you" "sometimes but if he disrespects you I'd lose my shit just like you" "okay probably best you aren't in the room incase he says something he shouldn't" Brenton smirked "I'm still coming" "we doing this today?" "If you want it's not like we are doing anything else unless of course.." I could see the cheeky grin on his face "nope we are doing it today" Brenton laughed "well let's go to ventures". I nodded.
Putting my phone in my pocket I grabbed my keys "ready?" "Yep"."Fucking hell could you park it any closer to the garage?" "Not with out hitting it" "I was being sarcastic" "oh I know".
Entering ventures when Brit looked at me she grinned "hey boss and brenton" glaring at her she chuckled "good morning" "good morning. Where is everyone?" "Jess is sick so beau has gone to control the ride. Troy just went to the bathroom and I have no idea where matt and Troy are" "can you call them two on the radio" "sure".
"April and brenton" "tommy and Matt let's go to the office" tommy smirked while matt just walked straight in there.
Entering the office to my surprise Brenton didn't come in. Sitting down I spoke "anything to say?" "I'm sorry I was a fucking idiot" "yeah you were" "i know I fucked up by doing that I was just concerned..." "Concerned for my welfare I heard" "yeah but I shouldn't have been. With everything going on lately you haven't been in much. It felt like you were distant, that there was something wrong" sitting back I thought of what I could say but then I thought why not lay it all out on the line.
"Well let me make this clear" "April" looking at tommy he had a concerned look on his face "as I was saying. When I got back from Los Angeles I was tired, beyond tired. I had been there for three months dealing with people everyday running through everything, interviews, dealing with contracts etcetera. Now I know I missed everyone and I thought well why not let everyone come to mine, it's been quite sometime. Oh but I wasn't happy that Adam wanted to invited lucas.." "I knew it" "are you done?" Matt nodded "but I let him. He wants to forgive him, great it's not my life. those two can be best buds. Have I forgiven Lucas? Well that's a no. You see Adam was Zane's best mate and I could've lost him too so no I won't forgive him that easily. Yes I didn't come in to ventures but that's because I was busy finding a contractor, spending time with not only my dad and Brenton but also dealing with everything that has caught up to me. Court case, friends and family, running venture sights and also getting things prepared for the resort. I'm sure if there was a major issue someone would've contacted me.
I put you in charge because I knew you could handle everything matt. we have known each other for twelve years and I know you are business minded. Now as for my personal life, it's mine no one else's. If I want to lock the gates at my estate, I will. if I want alone time, I will have it and if I want to spend time with my partner with out anyone else around, I will do that. I understand your concerns but you crossed the line. Now in future when I tell you that nothing has changed you better believe it and if you pull another stunt like that I will have you head. I have a lot of respect for you matt I class you as family and for you to do that it fucking hurt. Yes I may have forgotten to mention things to you when it came to hiring ethan but it wasn't purposely done, I have things going on. I do not understand why you would think that way about brenton and your first step would be to apologise not to only myself but to him he has done absolutely nothing wrong and you accused him of it. Anything to say?" Tommy had a small grin on his face as matt sat forward "yeah.. I believe I messed up your date and I want to know how I can fix it" I internally grinned "best you speak with brenton. It was his plans that you ruined" matt nodded "alright".
"BRENTON" seeing the door open instantly he had a look of anger on his face "what.." "calm. it's fine but Matt needs to talk to you" seeing the relief on brentons face I grinned.
"Let's leave them two to talk shall we tommy?" "Yep".

Not A Cinderella
NouvellesForced into a fancy ball, April had no want to be a part of it. She had no interest in living life with the rich and famous. How will her life play out after that one night?