"Argh fuck" hearing my phone ring I felt around my pockets I knew my head was bleeding it was dripping down over my eye "Hello?" "April?" "Hmm Brenton" "April where are you?" "Ahh.." looking around I knew I was on the back road from the cemetery "ahh the back road from the cemetery" "theres something wrong?" "Hmm yeah I think I.." looking at the windscreen all I could see was dark blue "yeah all I can see out of my windscreen is blue" "blue?" "Yeah.. very dark" "shit April don't end the call" "hmm argh my arm hurts" "do you know what happened?" "No.. this blue is really dark though" "can you see anything else?" "Yeah a paddock. Hmm I'm still in my car. I need to get out" "no don't move April just stay where you are" "I can't just stay in my car" "just stay put for a few minutes" "hmm fine" Looking to my left glass was on my seat "argh I think I broke a glass in my car" seeing lights hit my mirror I closed my eyes until they dimmed.
"Shit April" "hmm Brenton. I haven't done anything wrong" "I know gorgeous. We need to get you out of the car" "I can get myself out" "not this time. That dark blue you can see is your bonnet" "why would my bonnet be up?" "Are you hurting anywhere?" "Yeah..my arm and I think my head is bleeding" "can you move your fingers and toes" "yes" "good".
My heart sunk as I seen her Evo slammed into a tree. This was not how any of us expected tonight to go. She wanted to tell me she is pregnant and then I accused her of seeing Oakley behind my back... She's fucking pregnant. I'm ecstatic and now she has been in an accident.
I don't know if anger or tears broke her vision or if something jumped out in front of her but either way I just want her and our baby to be okay.
Seeing her in the driver seat bleeding and in a daze, it broke me but I needed to get her out. After making sure she can move all her limbs, I undid her seatbelt then pulled her out. "You'll be okay" "why are you carrying me I can walk. What about my car?" "I will sort it" "what?" "I will make sure it's locked okay" "thanks". I can't tell her right now that her car is a ride off. Putting her in the front seat of my car, I put her belt on "April can I have your phone for a minute?" "Yeah.." grabbing her phone from her hand I called Lucinda. "April?" "Lucinda April has been in a car accident her head is bleeding and she is complaining of a sore arm" "bring her straight to the hospital" "we are on our way"."Brenton" "Lucinda" picking April up out of the passenger seat, she rested her head on my shoulder "April?" "Hmm Lucinda" "can you tell me what happened?" "Yeah I didn't get to tell him" Lucinda looked straight at me and I nodded "he knows April" "but I had all the plans and.. it didn't happen" "well he must be a very smart man" no I'm not, I jumped to conclusions and ruined the night by doing so.
"Put her on the bed Brenton. I am going to need to do a scan too" I nodded.
All that was running through my mind is the dinner, yelling at April and Oakley then finding April slammed up against a tree trunk. If I hadn't have brought everyone home things would've been a lot different but I didn't know.
Shit I need to call Oakley.
"Brenton?" "Oakley April was in an accident.." "what? where the fuck is she?" "I got her to the hospital. she is with Lucinda" "I will be there in ten" "okay".
I had to tell him, she confides in him, she would tell him either way."Brenton I'm in the emergency" "I will be there in a minute" running out to meet Oakley, he had a very concerned look on his face "shes alive just injured. I haven't got any news yet" "how bad?" "I don't know her head had a cut on it and she complained about a sore arm. That's all I know so far"
"Shit" walking back to the room April still wasn't back "they have taken her for scans. To not only check on her but the baby" "fucking hell" Oakley sat down on the single chair with his head down on his hands "I should've picked up on the signs when I got home but.." "your mind was elsewhere" I nodded "yeah I thought it would make her happy bringing the guys back but she obviously had different plans" "I'm sorry" "about?" "Her telling me first. I could tell by when she spoke to me that there was something wrong" "is she not happy?" "She is happy but disappointed her plans failed and was nervous to tell you. Those hormones are already taken their toll. God help us all" "I'm praying they are both okay. Do you know when she found out?" "I have no idea she didn't say. When you arrived I was just telling her not to let tonight get to her and to try again then you.." "I know I stuffed up, I don't even know why I accused you both. I know April is an honest woman.. too honest sometimes" Oakley chuckled "yeah she is".
"Hmm one sec" "probably not a good idea to tell everyone" shit.
"Matt" "Brenton where did you and April go?" "Sorry had an emergency. We'll be back as soon as we can" "oh that's alright just checking in. See you when you get back" "you will".As soon as the door opened Oakley and I stood up. "April?" Lucinda grinned as April walked in followed by Lucinda "stubborn woman this one" "I'm fine" April sat down on the bed but there was something off about her. "Can you tell me the extent of the injuries?" "Fractured wrist, cut to the head, a little disorientated but other that everything is fine" "the baby?" April looked at me then at Oakley "you told him?" "I'm sorry it slipped out through a minor argument" "well it's out now but I'm not telling anyone else" "I know" "well you found out before me" she pointed to Lucinda "when?" "Last week" I grinned "when you came to the house" "correct".
"April lots of rest. You may get a head ache.." "hmm yeah I already have one" she is definitely still out of it "no nurofen but you can have panadol. Water and that vitamin water you have been having, your other tablet and no drinking" "I haven't been drinking" "I know that just stating the rules for you to go home" "I was at home".
"Lucinda is this a good idea?" "Give her a few hours or hopefully some sleep. Make sure no one asks her a million questions because her mind is all over the place. If there are people at the home, it's best to get them to leave" I nodded "alright I will organise that" "well be safe and she needs to have a check up in three weeks. If things seem like they get worse bring her straight back" "I will"."Did you lock my car" "yes I did" Oakley shook his head.
Whispering to Oakley he nodded "I will get it sorted" "thanks Oakley I appreciate it".
"Come on let's get you home gorgeous" "okay".Arriving home all the cars were gone which I was thankful about. Getting April inside she looked around. "Hmm nice for them to say good bye" "they were in a rush. You need to eat" "now you want to join me" April rolled her eyes then walked to the fridge. Okay that fucking hurt but I will push it aside. "argh where has my lamb gone?" "I will make you something if you are hungry" "I can do it" "Lucinda said rest" "fine".
Sitting down with April to eat she was unusually quiet. "April" she looked at me then looked around and stood up. Watching her closely she walked to the drawer next to the mantle piece then walked back and up to me "this is for you" "April what is this?" "Open it" I nodded.
Opening the envelope I pulled out what was inside and I couldn't do anything besides stare at the ultrasound photo. Our baby. April is nine weeks and six days pregnant it all feels.. "are you not happy?" "Ecstatic April. You and our little one bean the world to me" "it's not Oakley's by the way" taking a deep breath I looked at April "I know it's not April, i was just angry and I wasn't thinking clearly. I know you haven't had any sexual relations with anyone else. I'm really sorry for accusing you and Oakley of such a thing" "hmm I think I'm going to go to bed now" "would you like some panadol?" "Yeah I best do that".

Not A Cinderella
Short StoryForced into a fancy ball, April had no want to be a part of it. She had no interest in living life with the rich and famous. How will her life play out after that one night?