I am fucking pissed as hell. Thankfully Adam is back at the estate and doing well but I have yet to see lucas or anyone for that matter. I have wanted to make sure Adam is one hundred percent before I go back into work. I haven't heard from harmony yet either which in a way is good as I have other shit I need to Do.
"Adam do you need anything?" "No I'm fine but what about the gardening" "it can wait. I prefer that you rest for now" Adam nodded "I need to head into work. I will be back later. Make yourself at home" "I'm taking up the heated couch and going to watch movies" I chuckled "have fun"."April" "matt" "how is he?" "He is doing alright".
"Oi you want to tell me what the hell is going on? Tommy said Lucas is off the books" "yep he is" "why?" "Maybe because he drugged Adam with a heavy dose of cocaine making him over dose" "what?" "Yep I have it on camera" "fuck" "you see him, tell him I want his head" "April you can't be serious" "dead serious now how has everything been running?" "Good" "no issues?" "No" "where is Troy?" "In the grounds somewhere" I nodded "alright I need to go to the office but I will be back out soon" "okay".Matt.
Oh she is fucking fuming this won't be good for Lucas.
"I can't believe he would do that" "well he did, I have seen the footage. April Is fuming" "oh we can tell" "he wouldn't want to go anywhere near her" I shook my head "I think it would be easier for Lucas, if drex shoots him" "what? Whoa how has drex got anything to do with this?" "April called him. Offered him five grand to find him and hold him" "oh shit. I thought she would just report him" "nope not this time. She is taking it into her own hands" "we have to stop her. Make her think clearly" "make who think clearly" "hey brenton" "we were talking about April" "what isn't making her think clearly?" "She called drex" "what the fuck for?" "She offered him five grand to find Lucas and hold him" "shit. I need to speak with her" "she is in the office but doesn't want to be disturbed" "what ever she is thinking we can't let her go through with it. He is a mate" "I don't know about that. Tommy said she cut him off the books".Lucas
I will go back when things cool down they will forget about him. He was only a cock head anyway. He deserved to die after what he did. by the same thing he did to doms younger sister.
Everything will go back to normal and I can have April although I still have to get Matt and Brenton away from her. She is always with one of them lately.
Seeing the door slam open, the last person I expected was drex. "drex what the hell man?" He never said a word only pointed a gun at me. "Drex come on I didn't do anything" "sit the fuck down and shut up".Drex grabbed out his phone and dialled a number "he's yours" "cabin four" "yep" "good".
"Who the hell was that?" "I'm not here to answer your questions. I am here because it's a job" "a job? what the fuck" "sounds like you fucked up big time pretty boy"."Who the hell am I waiting for?" "You will find out very shortly".
Seeing the door open my eyes went wide.
"April" "thanks drex I will send the payment through" "what did he do?" "That cocaine you sold him. He drugged Adam to the point he had an overdose but thankfully he didn't die" "oh shit. You definitely fucked up".April
Looking at Lucas I shook my head with anger laced on my face. "you fucked up big time Lucas" grabbing a stool from the corner I sat down in front of him.
"You tried to kill a friend of mine.." "he is no fucking friend.." "to you but to me he is. Now I have been thinking, do I get you done for attempted murder or do I just belt the fuck out of you. It's a really hard decision. I have the glass and the footage on camera. But then..." I stood up "I also have this" picking up the stool, I slammed it over his head. "You have crossed the fucking line" Lucas stood up slamming me against the wall getting right in my face "April how can you stand back and believe him over one of your mates" " he was addicted to drugs, it fucked with his head. You were dead fucking sober when you decided you try kill him. Adam is a mate and I will do everything in my power to make sure he is okay" pushing him away he went to hit me but I ducked making him hit the wall. Grabbing his head, I slammed it to the plaster "I have no fucking idea what is wrong with you but I want you stay away from me. You are on your fucking own from now on" "April he nearly killed doms sister" "he was high on fucking drugs. what's your fucking excuse huh?. Jealousy maybe?" Lucas grabbed me slamming his lips on mine and I kneed him in the balls. "Don't fucking touch me" elbowing him hard in the back he slammed my head to the wall. "wake the fuck up April. He is playing with you".
"Get your fucking hands away from her".
Stepping back I looked at Lucas as he spoke "I will be getting you charged" "I hope you enjoy getting fucked in the ass then because that evidence will go straight to the station. Have a shit fucking life" slamming his head to the wall i walked out and Brenton walked out behind me. "April your head is bleeding" "no shit" "what the fuck were you thinking?" "That I wanted him dead" Brenton grabbed my arm and I turned to face him "you are hurt now. Now you need to get fixed up" "no. I am going" "to where?" I smirked "to calm down".
Grabbing my phone, I transferred the five grand straight to drexs account then got in my car "April you can't drive" "watch me". Kicking my car out over the dirt I headed straight to christians."April what the fuck? are you alright?" "Just fucking dandy" "sit" "I dont want to fucking sit. I want a drink and plenty of them" "who hit you?" "The same person I hit and I hope he rots" "do I know the person" "yes" christian shook his head "here" "thanks".
Fuck she just took off. Her face was bleeding and not to mention her head. She is driving and is fucking fuming. I have never seen this side of her and it's not something I want to be on the end of.
"Brenton did you find her?" "Yeah.. she just left kicking her car out. Her face is bleeding and so is her head" "shit she has gone to christians" "how do you know that?" "Just a guess" "alright gotta go bye" "bye".Entering the pub Christian looked at me with worry then at April.
"Brenton is here" "great" "you need to clean up the blood" "it's not on your floor" "no but.." "if you are going to lecture me I will go find another pub" "I'm not lecturing you. i just care" April shrugged "I'm fine".
"April?" "What" "he's right. atleast clean yourself up a bit" April stood up removing her jumper wiped her head and face then sat back down "done. now can I fucking drink?" Who the hell can calm her right now. I do not like seeing this side of her at all. Just as the thought crossed my mind the door opened up and Tommy walked in.
"Oi bitch tits you better have ordered me one" "get your own" "that's why I keep you around" "christian it's why I keep you around. tommy wants a drink" seeing a small grin on christians face I knew instantly she was becoming more calm. Taking a seat I never spoke a word just let them talk. "Why are you here?" "Making sure you save us some alcohol. Nice wounds" "yeah.. felt like a different colour on my face" "geez soon she will be wearing a floral dress and walking around with a stick up her ass" hearing a small laugh slip from April I grinned "not fucking likely" "there she is" "shut up and drink will you" I held in my laugh.
"Drink Brenton?" "Yeah thanks".
"You know who you will be dealing with when you go home" "ehh he will be asleep on the couch" "the heated one?" "Yes he said he was going to watch movies" "staying in the house now?" "For now yeah. I want to keep an eye on him" "fair enough. has he been doing well?" "Yeah but worried about the gardens" April shook her head while all I could do was grin. She was right about him.

Not A Cinderella
NouvellesForced into a fancy ball, April had no want to be a part of it. She had no interest in living life with the rich and famous. How will her life play out after that one night?