Chapter 27

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*Lily's POV*
What was I getting myself in to, was I really going to talk to a stranger about my parent's death? What about the people who were horrible to me? Flashbacks of the past six years were running circles in my head, and I couldn't control them.

I kept getting these weird moments, where I would be sat in my room and I would see my mum sat on the edge of my bed, or I would be sat under the oak tree and see my dad kicking a ball around the garden. These visions were sweet, after all, I was seeing my dead parents again. It sounds really messed up, but it felt real. If I believed hard enough, I could smell my mum's perfume, or hear my dad's jolly laugh. But it was too good to be true. It would last a few moments, a few minutes if I was lucky, and then they would just vanish and I would be left looking like a fool.

Sometimes though, these weird flashbacks would be of a different sort. I would see a foster dad barging into my room, screaming and shouting. I would hear one of my many foster mothers yell my name, followed by a threat of some sort. I would see them all, each and every one of them, in my room, sat next to me at the dining table, even in the office.

It was when I was sat in the office with Zalfie and Emma that they discovered these strange moments. I had been anxious all day, and after Zoe had told me about my first therapy session, I lost it. I went upstairs and cried, shortly followed by Alfie, who tried to calm me down. It was pretty hard to calm down though, when I was being haunted by people who made my life a living nightmare.

After some time, we returned back to the office. Alfie had been a great help, he was really sweet and comforting, though nothing could prepare me for what I was going to see next.

They were talking, and I turned around and saw him. Ian, his name was. The man who hurt me most, physically and emotionally. He was the last foster dad I was shipped off with. We're going back two years now, but each day he is the person I see the clearest, and there he was. Stood in the corner of the office, just behind where Zoe and Alfie were sitting. He wore what he always wore, baggy jeans and black hoodie. His filthy white trainers made marks on the cream carpet.

It was all so real, all how I remembered it. He came slowly towards me, walking in front of Zoe and Alfie and I wondered why they couldn't see him, why they didn't stop him. He stopped, right there in front of me. He bent down so his face was near mine and whispered the words that used to hurt me most. "You should've died in that car, you deserved it."

That's when I had to get away. I stood up and backed into the wall. He retreated back to the corner and the other three stood up. He was still there, looming. He wouldn't fade. Emma took me away and Zoe and Alfie left.

After that they thought I was even more of a head case than I was before.

Author's note:

Hi! I bet you all felt like I'd disappeared off the face of the earth and I'm sorry for that. The past few weeks have been hectic, and I really haven't had time to sit and write. I also haven't had many ideas, but I thought of this chapter in my head whilst in school today and quickly wrote it when I got home.

It took me forever to write and I bet it's only like a page long, so sorry. Thank you all for being patient and sticking with me, you make me really happy with all the votes and the lovely comments. Oh, and I almost forgot, I've just hit 25k! What? That's insane, thank you all so so much, I really didn't think anyone would read my pointless blabble, let alone 25,000 people, wow.

Virtual hugs to you all x

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