Chapter 11

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*Alfie's POV*
Zoe and I went to bed quite late last night, after we had ordered dominos and watched Disney films. Zoe fell asleep near enough as soon as her head touched the pillow, bless her. She looked so adorable all snuggled up in the blanket.

I'm so glad that she is finally getting a child, who she could love and care for like she was her own. When we found out that she couldn't have children, we were both gutted but that weren't going to stop us. We decided we would adopt instead. Lily is perfect for us. Adopting her would probably be harder than adopting any other child, but we were determined to put in the effort and make it work. She needed love and support, and we could give that to her.

I didn't end up falling asleep until around 1am. Do you ever have a night where you know you've dreamt about something, but can't remember what? Well, that's what happened. While I was asleep, it was the best dream ever but when I woke up at around 10am, I couldn't even remember.

Zoe wasn't in bed so she must have been downstairs. I took a quick shower and got changed into some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Then I went downstairs and saw that Zoe was in the living room watching more old episodes of Dance Moms. Seriously, she's obsessed. "Good morning little one." I said, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

"Good morning!" She said, with a big smile on her face.

"What are today's plans?" I said, going over to the kitchen and flicking the coffee machine on.

"I was thinking we could go into town this afternoon and find a present for Lily to give her tomorrow?" She said, turning the T.V off and standing up.

"Why, what are we doing tomorrow?" I asked.

"Oh, Emma called and she told me that it would be best to keep in regular contact with Lily so we can bond and get to know each other enough for her to be able to trust us. We're going to visit her tomorrow and maybe take her out somewhere, whatever she wants."

"Yeah okay. Coffee?"

"No thanks." She said. I made myself one and joined Zoe on the couch. We sat and watched two episodes of Dance Moms before deciding we should start getting ready to go out.

*Lily's POV*
I woke up later than usual at 9:32am. I think it was because I kept waking up last night. Every time I drifted off to sleep, I was woken by the same harsh words over and over again.

I got up and realised I had missed breakfast time at 8:30am. I decided that I couldn't hide in my room forever and so I decided to get up and get in the shower before going downstairs. Then I got changed into a pair of black leggings and a collared top, layering an owl jumper over the top. I brushed out my hair and left it loose around my shoulders. I didn't bother with makeup. I put on my high top black converse and went downstairs. I took a deep breath before entering the kitchen. No one was there, phew.

I went into the cupboard and brought out the lucky charms. I made myself a bowl of cereal and a drink of juice and sat down at the table to eat. Just at that moment, Millie came plodding in. "Hi!" She said. I was shocked that she was speaking, let alone to me.

"Urm, h-hi." I replied. She looked at me for a few moments before saying anything back.

"I found a new mummy and daddy yesterday. There coming to get me soon. We're going swimming!" She said, excitedly.

"Oh, urm, that's g-great."

"Did you find a new mummy and daddy?" She asked.

"I-I think so." I said. She smiled and got on her hands and knees, before crawling under the table. She emerged a few moments later with a crayon in her hand.

"Yes! I knew I had left it here!" She said happily, and she walked out of the room. It sounds weird, but I quite liked the silence after she had left.

I finished up eating my cereal and cleared away my mess. As I was walking back up the stairs, I bumped into Maisey, the girl who had said my outfit was nice.

"Oh I-I'm so sorry." I said, looking down at he floor.

"It's okay." She said, smiling. "Congratulations by the way."

"F-for what?" I asked.

"You know, for getting adopted."

"Oh, well, th-thanks." I said, before running up the rest of the stairs. How did everyone know? What if it didn't end up happening? Everyone would know how much of a failure I was. I sat on my bed and went on my phone. I opened up Twitter and scrolled through. One tweet caught my eye. "@zozeebo: Alfie and I can't share the news with you for a while yet😊" Was I their 'news'?

I opened up the YouTube app on my phone (I couldn't be bothered turning on my computer) and opened Zoe's '50 facts about me' video. It was so peculiar that Zoe, who has been my idol, my inspiration, was going to be my adoptive mother. If everything went to plan, anyway.

It was the autumn half term so that meant no school for a week. So that meant I could spend all the time in the world on YouTube. Not that I really cared. Unlike the others, I'm home schooled online, and so school isn't that much of a chore. I can do it my pyjamas if I wanted too.

At around 12:30pm, Emma called for me. She beckoned me into the office and I sat down on the chair in the corner, the one next to the window. I didn't know why I was in here but it was usually for something bad. Emma must have spotted the concern on my face because she said "Don't worry, your not in trouble or anything. I just wanted to ask you if you would like to see Zoe and Alfie tomorrow, maybe go out somewhere with them?"

I looked at Emma and then out of the window. I wasn't going to say no but I wasn't completely sure whether to say yes. I had been waiting for this chance for years yet now I wasn't completely sure. Why? Well I don't know.

A few moments passed before I finally piped up. "Urm, yeah...I-I suppose." I said.

"Great! Well I'll get in touch with them and sort out times and things. This is a great opportunity for you, you know that don't you?"

I nodded.

"You do want this, don't you?" She asked. Why all the questions?

"More than anything." I answered, and it was true. I didn't want to be stuck in an orphanage for the rest of my teenage years and then live alone forever and ever. Plus, Zoe and Alfie genuinely seemed to want to adopt me, and I knew that.

"Right, that's settled then. You can go now if you want." Emma said, smiling at me. I guess she had realised that I was feeling rather uncomfortable being there. I wondered out and went into the garden. I passed the flower bed and weaved my way through the bushes before getting to the old oak tree. It was cold out but the ground was dry and the leaves were crisp. I sat down, resting my back against the trunk of the tree, hugging my knees in to my chest.

I sat and pondered on how my life was changing. Two days ago I was an orphan without any family. Now I was an orphan with a possible family. Okay, that seemed so much bigger in my head but it's still pretty major.

I sat and thought for quite some time.

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