Chapter 30

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A/N: This is it, the last chapter. Enjoy x

*Lily's POV*

This was it. The day I was officially moving in. I'd been switching between the Zalfie Pad and the orphanage for the past few months but I knew after today, I would officially be living with my two new parents forever.

I couldn't just go back to my bedroom at the orphanage if I felt scared or anxious, I would have to retreat to my new bedroom. As lovely as it was, it didn't feel the same. It was finished now, completed with a few more sets of fairy lights and a beanbag in the corner. The majority of my stuff had already been moved in to it, it was just the bare necessities left at the orphanage.

It felt odd, packing up six years of my life and starting fresh, a clean slate so to put it. I liked it. I was finally starting to feel normal again.

Therapy was starting to make a difference and I could tell. Once I started to cooperate with the sessions and put some effort in, it felt such a relief to finally be able to learn how to cope and move on. I knew the PTSD would always be looming, but I wasn't going to let it control me anymore. I had learnt to gain control over situations where I would usually feel lost.

Meeting new people, seeing new places, learning to trust again were all things I never thought I could do, but I did.

If Zoe hadn't spotted me in the corner of the room that day at the orphanage, I wouldn't have found the light, I would have lived in the dark forever. Thanks to Zoe and Alfie, I learned to live again.

Packing up the remains of my things in the orphanage shouldn't have taken so long, but it did. I went round the room, looking at every wall, the empty desk, the stripped bed. The floorboards were bare. Somebody else would be moving in soon enough, but it would forever remain my room. The place where I felt safe, the place where I could go to relax and be me. But most of all, the place where I discovered the one thing that made me smile in my darkest hours. YouTube.

And because of that, I now had a family, new friends and most of all I gained my life back. All with the power of the Internet.

Zoe and Alfie helped me pack up my last few things and then it was time to say goodbye. I walked down the stairs and was met with the eyes of my fellow orphans. Some I had known for the whole six years, others who arrived just last week. I gave a small smile to the eldest few, they even managed one back. Maisie gave me a hug, and at that point I nearly cried. Little Millie had gone ages ago but even she came back with her new parents to wish me good luck.

I walked up to the front door where Emma was stood. I may have only knew her for two years but in that time I felt I could trust her with anything. She was the one person I truly cared for before Zalfie came along and she was the one who helped me through my toughest times.

We stood, face to face. She was quite small so we came to about the same height. I felt the tears forming in my eyes. I knew if I cried she would too and then we'd both be an emotional wreck.

"Thank you." I said, wiping away a tear. "For everything."

"I hope you have an amazing life Lily, you've done me proud." She said, and with that she kissed me on the cheek and gave me a quick hug before opening the door.

"Come on, let's go home." Zoe said, putting her arm around me and walking me out of the orphanage. I stood behind the gate and looked up at the building. It wasn't much, but it was the place where I had spent the past six years and saying goodbye was something I'd never thought of doing.

We got in the car and drove off. The ride was rather silent, I was too choked up to speak. Zoe and Alfie were smiling away, after all, I was coming home for good. They had a daughter.

We pulled up outside the house. I'd done this so many times before, but this time it felt different. I could now call it my house, not just theirs. I could finally put the past behind me and move on.

I stepped out of the car, hearing the gravel crunch under my feet. It was a glorious spring day, and I could feel the heat on my back. I breathed in deeply and picked up the bags holding the last of my things. I walked slowly to the front door, Zoe and Alfie following behind.

As I reached the door, I paused to allow myself to think.

This was it. The start of a new chapter of my life...with a family.

Author' Note:


I felt quite emotional writing this ahaha! What did you all think? Thank you so much for all your support, I'm thankful for every single one of you who are reading this.

When I started this book, I had no idea it would escalate into this. I started it because I loved to write, not for the reads or the votes. It came as a shock when I realised that people were actually enjoying my story and we're taking time out of their day to read my work.

I don't know what else to say apart from thank you.

I love you all lots x

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