Chapter 16

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*Lily's POV*
It felt like hours had passed, but it was only fifteen minutes later when I heard a gentle knock on my bedroom door. I sat bolt upright and huddled in the corner of my bed, my back up against the wall. "C-come in." I whispered.

The door opened and I sighed with relief when I saw Emma stood in the doorway. She came in and sat down on the edge of my bed. "Hi." She said, softly. "Zoe and Alfie are downstairs. Are you coming down?"

I had been so deep in my own thoughts, I didn't hear them arrive. I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers, looking down at my plain white duvet cover. "I-urmm..." I managed to blurt out before going bright red.

"It'll be alright you know. They just want to get to know you a little better today, that's all. Your not going to be forced to do anything you don't want to." She said.

It was her reassuring words that managed to prevent me from backing out. I guess I had just let the bad thoughts take over and push the good ones away, it happens a lot, especially lately. "O-okay." I said.

Emma took my hand and guided me out of my room and down the stairs, before stopping just outside the office. She turned to face me and said, "Now remember, try and stay calm. They aren't going to hurt you, they want to help you. It'll be fine, I promise."

I nodded and she opened the door to the office. I followed her in and sat down in the same seat as the last time I was there. Yeah, thats not such a great memory.

*Zoe's POV*
Emma was gone a good five minutes, presumably trying to comfort Lily. But at last I saw the two walk down the stairs, hand in hand. They had such a strong bond. They stopped outside the office door and through the glass I could see Emma talking to Lily, who looked pale and frightened. "She looks so fragile." I whispered to Alfie.

"She is, that's why we have to be careful." Alfie whispered back. Just at that moment, the door opened and Emma walked in, with Lily following behind. Her eyes never parting with the floor, she sat down and bit her lip. She looked so anxious, so scared. It made me upset to know that she had never got any help. No counselling, no nothing.

"Hi! It's lovely to see you again Lily." I said, breaking the silence. She glanced at Emma, who nodded reassuringly and then looked at us.

"H-hi." She said.

"How are you?" Alfie asked. I held my breath.

"I-I'm fine, th-thank you" She paused. "Y-you?"

"We're good thanks." I said. "We're very happy to be here today."

She managed a small smile as if to say ,"So am I." She jiggled her leg in a nervous manner and looked out of the window next to her.

"So, why don't we get to know each other a little better?" Emma said, trying to ease the pressure. "Zoe, why don't you share one fact about yourself that Lily might not already know?"

Lily looked across at me, then at Alfie. "I-I know a lot about th-them already." She said, looking at Emma.

"Maybe there is something you don't already know?" Emma said.

"I think she knows nearly everything about both of us. It's part of our job. Most of our viewers know more about us than they probably do one of their family members because we are so open with them." Alfie interrupted, trying to make things a bit easier for Lily. She nodded in agreement before smiling slightly at Alfie, as a way to say thank you.

"Alright then. So, Lily? Do you want to tell them a fact about you? Something they don't already know?" Emma asked her gently.

Lily froze and looked at Emma, her breathing heavier than normal. I glanced at Alfie and he had a worried look on his face. "It's alright Lily, trust me." Emma said to her to try and calm her nerves.

Lily looked back at us and opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Tears formed in her eyes and you could tell she was getting frustrated with herself. I stood up and said "Shall we take a walk?"

"O-okay." She murmured. We both stood up and walked out of the office together.

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