Chapter 7

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*Lily's POV*
I tried so hard to keep the tears back. I looked down at the ground and then back at Zoe. She gave me a small, friendly hug and couldn't help fangirling a little inside. She said "See you in a bit.", gave me a quick smile and walked off with a fast pace.

Had I blew it? Did I say something wrong? Was she going to come back?

For the first time in the six years I had been here, I had felt hope that today would be the day. The day I found someone who wanted me in their lives. The day I felt like I wasn't worthless. When I watched her walk off, I felt a pang of disappointment. This could of been my last chance and I could have ruined it. But I didn't say anything that I wasn't supposed to say, did I?

She told me she would see me in a bit, and she looked happy enough, so maybe I had a chance after all. As always, I over panicked and stood there, thinking about what I should have said or done to make her want to take me home with her.

I tried to spot Zoe in the crowd and finally saw her over in the far corner. She was speaking to Alfie. He had his arm around her and it was such a cute Zalfie moment. I wondered if she was saying anything about me.

At that moment, they both looked over in my direction and I quickly swivelled my eyes to the floor. I could sense they were walking over. "Oh god, oh god, oh god. Don't do anything stupid now Lily. Not now." I thought, as I heard both of their footsteps coming ever closer.

I looked up, to see Zoe stood there with Alfie and yet again, I could have stopped breathing. My two favourite people on this earth were stood I front of me. How?

"Hi Lily!" Zoe said excitedly. "This is Alfie, but I'm presuming you already know who he is."

"Ahh, your a viewer then." He said chuckling. "Well hi Lily."

"H-hi" I said, scared he wouldn't like me. I bit my lip.

"So how old are you?" He asked.

"I-I'm thirteen." I said, looking at the floor nervously. I looked at their feet as I wasn't very good at looking people in the eyes. But, in the corner of my eye, I could see Zoe smiling at Alfie. Were they laughing at me?

"Lily. Alfie and I would love to get to know you a little better." Zoe said.

"You-you would?" I asked, nervously.

"Yeah. Is that alright?" Alfie asked me.

"Urm, yeah...I-I suppose." I said, before biting my lip again and fiddling with my fingers.

"Well me and Alfie are going to go and have a chat to Emma, okay?"

I nodded and they walked off. I knew it was stupid for me to want something so badly and then be scared when I finally got the chance.

*Zoe's POV*
I pointed to Alfie where Lily was stood and we walked over to her. He introduced himself, but of course she already knew who he was. Alfie asked how old she was and she managed to say "I-I'm thirteen". Then she looked back down at the floor and bit her lip nervously.

I smiled at Alfie. We could change her life around and I loved the idea of that. "Lily. Alfie and I would love to get to know you a little better." I said, grinning at her.

"You-you would?" She asked, a little scared.

"Yeah. Is that alright?" Alfie asked.

Urm, yeah...I-I suppose." She said, biting her lip and fiddling with her fingers. I really felt bad for her. What on earth happened in her life to make her so nervous, so on edge?

"Well me and Alfie are going to have a chat with Emma, okay?" She nodded, still looking down. We walked off and knocked at the office door. Most of the families were gone by now.

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