Chapter XIV

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Spoke Too Soon

The past few weeks have been amazing so far. Today, I got my work done in the first two periods (for once), I got the last slice of pizza and now in third period we are watching Schindler’s List. So now I can either enjoy the movie, if it’s good, but if I think it blows, I can fall asleep. Today is going great and the movie is not bad at all for a black and white film. I still don’t understand why it is in black and white while certain things are in red but I think it means hope or something. I’m pretty sure I’m close. Anyways, during the part of the movie where the head Nazi is randomly killing people because he is angry, I get a text from a number I do not recognize. Who could it be? The text says,

“hey jason its me jess. meet me after school if u wanna b w/ a real woman. ;)”

Jessica Morales wants to hook up with me?!?! I’m not too sure if it’s really her. Maybe someone is pretending to be Jessica or if she is just toying with me herself. Luckily Jessica and I have this class together. When I turn to look at her, she is looking at me with her hazel eyes and winks to me as she gives a flirtatious wave while chewing her gum with her mouth wide open. Why does she have interest in me now? I understand that I had a crush on her and I will always think she is beautiful but her boyfriend just died and I love Michelle. Michelle is everything I wanted from Jessica and a lot more. I don’t think I should meet with her, but deep down, this is what I have always wanted. Like today feels like a dream and honestly, I am weary because I have no idea if I will wake up. Good things like this never last, but most of my problems circled around the existence of Jessica’s former boyfriend. Without him around, I can have a little breathing room and with Michelle’s love, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. On top of that, that empty feeling in my stomach has been patched up by her affection. Which, now that I think about it, I definitely can’t meet Jessica after school.

“Wow that girl is quite beautiful huh Jason?” Ghost asked as he is in my head talking to me.

“Yeah she is but I have Michele.” I reply in my thoughts.

“But Jason, this is the girl of your dreams, this is your first chance, don’t waste it. You may never have a chance like this again. This is why I am here, to woo her heart for you.” Ghost unexpectedly says.

“No Ghost. I think it’s better if I stay with Michelle. I love her and I doubt Jessica even cares about me. I think she wants to get attention and spread rumors that she got with the guy that just started dating someone and become the queen of social attention and drama, I remember her ruining more than one relationship before. It was all over Twitter according to Michelle.” I explain to Ghost of Jess’ ways.

“Don’t waste this opportunity Jason, seize it. You’ll be a damned fool not to. If your father never kissed his crush you wouldn’t have been born. Think of that.” Ghost reminds me about how my father kissed my mother.

“I think if he didn’t do more than kiss her, then I wouldn’t be here, Ghost.” I try to be smart.

“You know what I mean you smartass. If he never manned up and kissed her, it wouldn’t have led to them dating, having sex, getting married and conceiving you. Go for it Jason.” Demanded Ghost as he gives me a gross thought: my parents making me.

“I’m not too sure about this.” I state.

I all honesty I don’t want to kiss her because I’m with Michelle and I would never cheat on her. A real man would never cheat on his girlfriend. If he doesn’t feel right with someone, then tell them so and become single. Don’t break her heart and give yourself an awful reputation or worse. I may not know a lot about dating, since Michelle is my first girlfriend, but I do know right from wrong. However, Ghost is getting inside my head and is acting like temptation. I get that back when break was almost over, we originally planned to beat up Eddie Black and get the heart of Jessica Morales, but I don’t want her heart anymore, I already have one to take good care of and if I break it, then mine will be shattered.

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