Chapter XXI

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For Your Own Good

I am back at the precinct. This time, my mother has no idea because she is on her way to her sister's cabin to spend Fourth of July with her and her husband. My mom hasn't talked to Jeff since he helped me out of here. Sadly, I wish he was here to help me again. These guys can keep me over night if they wanted to because I didn't do anything. I don't know who did it but I have a feeling who did it. On top of that, I am not in the interview room anymore. I'm in a private cell that has a radiator that I am handcuffed to, a shitty looking cot, and a toilet that is right next to me. This doesn't feel legal at all, but I guess police can get away with anything. Give a guy a small fragment of power and see his true colors before your very eyes. Forde steps out of the room smiling and Munson comes in. He sits right on the toilet next to me and looks right at me. I turn away because I don't want to speak to him at all. In fact, I don't even want to be alive right now. I look at my reflection and I am pale. I have bags under my eyes and I look like I need help, which I probably do.

"Jason, Derrick Sweeney, a known friend of yours according to several students, went missing a few weeks ago. He wasn't reported missing until last night and we had to bring you in." Munson says.

"Well, I don't know alright? What don't you guys get?! I had nothing to do with it and honestly if I told you what is going on you will think I am crazy." I angrily state as I am still turned away from the detective.

"Jason, I know what you're going through. I had a brother who was possessed before I became a cop. He killed five animals and may have killed a baby as well to perform some form of satanic ritual. We need your help finding these people. Five of them are most likely dead but the sixth one is going to be used for something big. We don't know what but we need to know if you think you know who the person is so we can protect them." Detective Munson informs me.

I can't believe what I am hearing. I could help the police, but what am I going up against and who do they want? Someone that is close to me because according to the photo of the pentagram he showed me, five people mean five of the seven deadly sins, the one performing the ritual must have a deadly sin themselves, and the center one must have a deadly sin on top of being close to the person the entity is attached to. Someone that I am attached to that has a deadly sin. One of them is pride... Oh my God!!! Just then as I was going to say who I think is next Detective Forde rushes in.

"Munson, there's been another kidnapping, no blood and it was at South Orton Street. Address number 592. Family name..." Forde says but just then I interrupted him.

"Michaels!! Michelle Michaels was kidnapped? We gotta find her." I demand.

"This is police business son, we can take care of it." States Forde.

"It says here that the ritual must be performed in a location the attached is familiar with that is underground. No place is like that than my basement. Let me go with you. I gotta man up for once and take this thing out of my life once and for all." I request in a strong fashion.

"I don't want to put you in any danger Jason." Detective Munson says.

"A great man once told me that, "There comes a point in a man's life where he has to be a man and be the hero." Well. I'm ready." I state as I have never been more ready before in my life.

"I like the guts ya got kid. Uncuff him Munson, he's coming to take this thing back wherever it came from." Forde says as Munson uncuffs me and we rush to their cruiser.

The end is here for either me or Ghost. Earlier I thought of the end for me, but now I want to see an end to Ghost.

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