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A new beginning

"Let me try and fix everything alright?

Just, give me time to fix it."

Mikasa's heart beamed in joy, as those words left his mouth. Maybe he finally realized?


She loves him

Loves him for him.

And not for anything else

We all sometimes don't realize where other's have been. We've been busy finding our own ideal types, not wanting to hear which person our heart desires.

But truthfully

Everyone won't be able to build their own bitch.

We don't get to pick and choose.

Our heart beats for the one it desires.

So just listen to the beating of your heart.

'Whenever you're near, i feel so welcome, I feel so comfortable,


My brain wanders through the sketches of models that aren't real'

For example~

Your ideal type is~

A tall, smart guy, and ofcourse handsome af. Curly hair and muscular structure.

Yet, you've fallen for your short, stupid, and chubby friend, who looks nothing like your dream boy.

Pfft, in some instances, you'd end up falling for the same gender.

Well, I don't know if you get me...

But it is what it is.

Well as the author myself...let me fill the few gaps of this chapter with a story of mine~

Everytime i fall for someone

They always end up...someone different
Than what my brain wants me to fall for.

Then when they leave, my brain gives me these...weird memories and they make me embarrassed that i even fell for them.

Well my ideal type basically is...

The ideal 'cute' east asian guy thats tall and has good sense of fashion.


I've fallen for...

No ideal east asian guys at all... For now...

Most of them... they aren't even asian at all...

Well i guess what my heart really looks for was a good conversation which makes me happy and not lonely.

Well you right here reader.

I think I'd fall for you if you're really invested into being my talk buddy.

Kidding, but... I really like it when someone treats me nice. And respects my decisions and likes.

I'm so ~Marupok~ (Translation: Person who falls easily)

Well it is what is is 😭

Well back to the story... I'm so sorry for adding up like tons of shit abt myself on almost every chapter.

Mikasa agreed with Eren, and waited for the time to shoot her shot again.

"Everything's gonna be better when his lies end....right?"


Eren left her room, after he lets go of her tight embrace. He felt bad about her waiting for him.

It was like

He was leading her on...

To nowhere.

But for now, he wants to fix everything and lead her to somewhere. Not nowhere.

But somewhere.

"Oi brat, everything good?" Eren heard the short man say as he blocked him from going back to his girlfriend.

"I'm fine Sir"

Levi tch'ed and was about to walk away as soon as he heard the reply, yet.
He stopped and looked back.

"Can you give me a favour?"

"What is it?" Eren raised an eyebrow, curious on what that was.

"Tch, Break up with your girlfriend, she's so annoying...she doesn't belong here"

Eren slightly chuckled, hearing the short mans annoyed tone as he finally walked away.

"Got it"

"Damn Maria, everyone hates you that bad..." He mumbles and finally continues his walk.

"But...how do i break up wit-" Sadly, the bitch interrupted his small talk with himself.

"Baby!! I've been waiting for you! You've taken soo long! Where have you been?"

"The captain talked to me" he lied, but not really.

"Yeah! I've seen that short man walk here, ugh...You should've been the corporal babe...his height is the problem..."

"Shut up Maria, that short man you're calling is alot stronger than me. Stop judging everyone here! And tomorrow night, we need to talk about something!" Eren said in a stern voice, yet the woman didn't lose the smug look on her face.

"My Papa wants to talk to you later too! One on one, so goodluck alright?" She pats him in the back and trots away.

Eren sighs as he stood there, dumbfounded. She didn't even try to listen to him just for once.

She wasn't worthy to call his own lover.

You know, someone who flirts with you doesn't always LOVE or LIKE you.

Just fate ig...?

Why find someone else? When someones heart already had been interwined with yours?

Oh my gosh... I'm really dumb- your author is really dumb- i lost the time placement of this story 😭

Well when it was night? Eren got on the phone to talk to his girlfriends father.

"Mr. Devore? You called?"

"Yeager, Maria and i have been waiting for your proposal..We were a little impatient so....we worked something out and planned a wedding"

"YOU GUYS DID WHAT?!" Eren shouted on the phone, angered by the situation.

"Is there something wrong Yeager?"

"It's just that...YOU GUYS HAVEN'T TOLD ME?! Who signed the papers??!!"

"She seemed to have give me the papers and they were all signed and legal..Are you trying to break my daughters heart?" Maria's father said in a stern voice, yet Eren wasn't scared.

He threw the phone on the floor, breaking it.

"This is bullshit! I didn't sign anything!"

"Eren?" Mikasa heard all the ruckus, and went to where he was. "Is there something wrong? Do you need someone to talk to? You broke the telephone?"

Eren pinched his nosebridge. He was stressed and angry at the same time.

"I'm tired, lets talk some other time Mikasa." He left and went to his own room.

"What was that all about?" All she did was raise an eyebrow and tried to find Armin.

"Heartbeat racing in my ears
Bump, bump, bump
Eyes wide open into my forest
Jump, jump, jump
Nothing can devour me
I shout out with ferocity"
-Black Swan (BTS)

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