Chapter 1

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You wake up to an annoying ringing in your ear. You groan as you reach out of bed to grab your phone. 

Oh scarlett's calling me

You answer the phone while climbing out of bed. "Hello? Why are you calling me soo early! I just got out of bed" You yawn, walk to the bathroom and set your phone on loud speaker as washed your face and got ready. "You forgot didn't you?"

"Forgot what?" 

"Y/n! I cant believe you forgot! Have you even packed!? We should be at your house in like an hour to pick you up, we are going on a trip. Plus...Tom's gonna be there..!!!"

"Uhh...right...Yeah no I didn't forget I just...I need to go, I'll be ready when you arrive. Bye!"

And with that you hang up, hearing Scarlett chuckle. You run around your house, grabbing clothes and things you might need for the trip. You stuff everything in your bag and before you know it the doorbell rings. 

Your quickly brush down the creases in your dress, grab your bag, slip your shoes on and swing open the door. 

You look up to see Tom Hiddleston smiling at you. He's wearing a navy blue buttoned up shirt and black jeans to go with it. "Hello, I heard you forgot about the trip!" We laugh together as I hit him playfully. "I didn't forget! I packing last minute..." 

Tom laughs at my poor lying skills. "You know you're a horrible liar! Here let me carry that for you" He goes to hold the bag as you grab your coat and head to the car. 

"You guys took ages, Tom you only had one job, collect her from her door!" Robert laughs as Tom sits next to you in the car. 

"Who else is coming?" You ask realising only Tom, Robert, Chris H and Scarlett is in the car. 

"Uhm...Sebastian, Anthony, Tom Holland, Elizabeth and Zendaya." Scarlett counts on her fingers.

"They are going to meet us there. They are coming in the other car" Chris says as he looks up from his phone smiling. Scarlett turns the music up and starts to sing. You all talk and sing as the car ride continues. 

Toms Pov

I look as Y/n as she laughs and sings along with Scarlett. She seems so happy and her voice is amazing, even though she says she's horrible at singing I highly disagree. She is sitting in between me and Chris while Robert drives and Scarlett sits on the passenger seat. I occasionally catch glances from Chris and quickly turn my attention back to my phone. 

I love everything about her, her smile, her little giggles, the way she lets her hair fall over her face when she gets embarrassed, the way she gets nervous around new people, the way-  

I get pulled out of my thoughts as I feel someone poke my arm. I look up to see Y/n smiling at me. "Sing with us Tom! We all know you can!" She giggles looking at me hopefully. 

"Uhh..I don't know the words to this song." I lie quickly. The last thing I need is to embarrass myself in front of her. I see Chris give me a knowing look and I shake my head discreetly and join in on the conversation between Scarlett and Robert.

Eventually Y/n joins in and Chris too. 

After about ten minutes Robert Parks the car in front of a large mansion. I get out the car and help Y/n out too. I see her go to the boot of the car and pull her bag out. "Here let me help you with that." I say with a smile. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Its okay, you don't have t-" I take it off her with a small chuckle. She smiles, thanks me and closes the boot.

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