Chapter 3

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During the movie you felt yourself edging towards Tom. As you looked at the screen you jumped and grabbed onto Tom's arm as he chuckled and held you tight. 

You were too into the film to notice everyone occasionally eyeing you and Tom cuddling. Well it was more like you holding onto him for dear life, but he didn't mind it at all. He looked up to see a smiling Chris Hemsworth and smiled back. He was grateful to have Chris there for him. He supported Tom through everything. At first Tom didn't admit to it that he liked Y/n but Chris could see right through his best friend and the same went for Y/n and her best friends Lizzie and Scarlett. 

"Darling as much as I love cuddling with you, I can't breathe if your holding onto me like its the end of the world." You look up at him as your face flushed red, you let go of him and let your hair fall in front of your face. You fixed your position again and returned your gaze back to the tv although there was no point as you couldn't concentrate anymore. "Sorry" You chuckled nervously. Tom smirked at you and pulled you back in. You let out a little squeal, as you got comfortable and hugged him back except less tighter than before. You were still a little nervous and Tom could tell. He let out another small chuckle and started playing with your hair. He started to braid it and soon you relaxed into his arms.

Once the movie was over Anthony turned the tv off and turned back around to face us. "Truth or Dare time!" He grinned. Some groaned, some cheered and some sighed. "C'mon it will be fun!!"

Everyone sat in a circle and Anthony started. "Tom Holland! Truth or Dare?" He asked with an evil grin plastered onto his face. 

Tom looked around the room nervously then finally answered. "Dare...?" You looked at Mackie to see his face light up then return to his usual smirk. "I dare you to go into the wardrobe with Zendaya and play seven minutes in heaven." He gestured towards the empty wardrobe across the room. Tom sighed and got up. Zendaya followed him and RDJ locked the door with a smile.

Once the seven minutes was up Robert opened the cupboard to find Tom and Zendaya sitting down deep in conversation and frowned. "Boring..." He sighed. Everyone had disappointed looks on there faces as Zendaya and Tom both went back to their seats grinning. 

Your pov

Scarlett finally turned to me with a smirk. "Truth or dare Y/n?" I thought for a while, while everyone stared at me intently. No matter what it's going to be bad...I think my safest option would be... "Dare..." I sigh. Scarlett's smirk grows. 

"I dare you to kiss Tom Hiddleston" My face turned red and I looked at her to check if she was being serious or not. She didn't seem like she was joking. I cleared my throat uncomfortably while trying to think of an excuse. I really wanted to kiss Tom but he doesn't like me like that and I don't want things to become uncomfortable. 

I must have been silent for a while as I felt someone poke me. I looked up to see Scarlett. "Well get on with it!" She says excitedly. 

"Right..." I respond quietly. I turned around to face Tom. He gives me a small smile to let me know its okay and slowly leans in. I meet him half way and close my eyes. The kiss is sweet and tender and goes on for a few seconds before we both part and go back to our normal positions. Everyone stares at us in awe before Chris breaks the silence and asks Elizabeth next. Me and Tom were quiet for the rest of the game until I decided I was too tired to carry on.

"I might head to bed I'm kinda tired. Night everyone" I said as I rubbed my eyes, got up and headed to the stairs.

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