Chaptowo 2

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I'm sorry for the name of this chapter, I just thought I'd do some funny stuff

As I was making Commander's coffee I remembered what I was thinking about before he asked me to fetch it for him. 'Why would I think that?' I asked myself 'You don't love him... do you?' More questions came flooding into my mind 'No! No... of course not... But maybe...' my face warmed up all over again and I was just about fo go into my fantasies when the coffee maker beeped loudly, interrupting my thoughts. I poured his coffee into a mug and brought it back to his office. "Here's your coffee sir" I announced as I entered the room

"Thanks Tim..." he replied, glued to his papers. I set the coffee on his desk and sat back down. And soon enough, I entered a day dream.

It was about me and Commander living in a house after the war... It was late at night and we were walking home when all of a sudden Commander stopped me.

"Hey Tim..." he said, a bit of blush forming on his face

"Yeah?" I asked turning to face him. Suddenly Commander got on one knee and pulled something out of his pocket.

"I've been wanting to ask you a question for a long time now..." he mumbled shyly

"W-what is it Commander?" I questioned in a soft voice, my face starting to warm up too, both in my mind and in real life

"Will you marry me?" he popped the question, opening the small box he held in his hand

Then I snapped out of my daydream once I saw how late it was.

"Was that how long I zoned out...?" I whispered to myself. I got up to leave the room "Good night Commander" I said in a quiet voice as I opened the door to the hall

"Night" he said, still working on his papers. I blushed slightly more as I heard his voice. I started walking to my room as my daydream from before popped back into my mind

"Oh Tim... stop getting your hopes up before you ruin things for yourself" I mumbled. Once I entered my room I took off all of my armor and put on something more comfortable. I sat on my bed thinking to myself for a little while 'you can't love him' 'it's obvious he only sees you as one of his soldiers.' I sighed sadly and finally went to sleep.

AAAAAAAAA Tim is so HECCIN cuteeee! He deserves all the love

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