First meetings

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I wanna scream, why did I have to write that last chapter? Anyways, I guess this one is about Captain and Steve's first meeting or whatever. I hate myself.

3rd person POV (WOWZA)

Captain and Steve have known each other longer than Tim and Commander, like, way longer. They've known each other since Steve was like 5 or something. There's like a 2 year age gap in this story but let's just say Captain (we'll call him John for the rest of this chapter) was like 6 and a half.

John was doing normal little gremlin activities in the park, playing in the sand box, going down slides, playing with other kids, eating dirt, etc. He was currently avoiding his little brother (by like 5 mins) because they hated each other's guts, he pretended he was leading an army and some other kids were his soldiers.

"Can I play too John?" Oswald questioned timidly (oh where did the years go)

"No, you're not good enough for this game!" John stated rudely.

"Mom said you have to in-inclu... you have to let me play!" Oswald raised his voice slightly.

"Fine! You can be the enemy captain... and that kid is your only soldier!" He pointed towards a kid picking his nose with a stick in the sand box.
Oswald frowned, this wasn't fair at all! John was being a meanie! But whatever, at least he got to play.

While John was pretending to be in his office, he heard something moving around in the bushes behind him. 'Ugh, that's probably Oswald trying to spook me...' he groaned mentally, he walked up to the bushes and took a closer look, he squinted his eyes and inched his face closer until someone suddenly popped their head out and startled John.

"Woah!" John yelped as he jumped back from the bush. The kid inside wasn't his annoying brother, it was some boy with round glasses and fluffy hair. "Who are you?" He questioned.

The other kid seemed shy, he was a little reluctant to respond but finally mustered up the courage to speak. "Um... my name's Steve..." He whispered quietly.

"Hi Steve! My name's John!" He exclaimed happily, holding his hand out for Steve to shake, but he was left hanging. "Hey, do you wanna play army with me? You can be my right hand man!" He offered.

Steve hesitated for a moment before crawling out of the bush, when he stood up the sun shined on his face, making it look like he was glowing. 'Pretty' John thought to himself. Steve dusted himself off and plucked a few leaves from his hair before following John to his "base" which just really underneath a bridge leading from one slide to another.

Fast forward like 25 or something years later

Commander was on his usual patrol with some random soldier he decided to take with him. They drove around for a little while, checking out some abandoned buildings for any supplies or whatever. Oswald had to kick a door down to get inside an abandoned house and when he did, he noticed that there were signs of life there (I won't go too into detail...) He roamed around the house for a little bit until he noticed a closet, when he opened the door, there was an extremely terrified looking man.

Oswald was about to grab his gun and put this man out of his misery, when he noticed how scared he looked. He couldn't bring himself to do it, so he held his hand out for the man to take. He seemed a bit hesitant at first seeing as how the man in front of his was larger and had a weapon, but he decided to take his hand anyways.

"What's your name?" Oswald questioned as he helped the man stand up.

"T-Tim..." he answered quietly.

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