You too

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Time to un-cliff the hanger

"W-what?" What should I say?

"I love you, Tim" Commander repeated

What should I say? Should I do nothing? No! No. I'm gonna control myself.

"Oh um..." I'm so scared! I'm just gonna tell him that I love him too! "You too, Commy" WHY DID I SAY IT LIKE THAT? Why didn't I just say 'I love you too' or 'I feel the same way'? Why did I have to say 'you too' like an idiot?!



"So then do you want to go on a date?" Now he's asking me out! Do I accept? Of course you idiot! Why wouldn't you? Just say yes!

"Sure" I'm stupid, this is the end of my love life

"Ok then... maybe we should go when you can leave this place. But I didn't plan ahead... Is there somewhere you want to go?" Commander looked at me. COMMANDER LOOKED AT TIRED OLD BEAT UP ME! I bet I look ugly... He probably thinks I look like this all the time "Actually, I think I know a place that you'd love"

"Well, I bet it's an amazing place Commy, plus, going anywhere with you would instantly make it my most favorite place in the world." I smiled at him and as soon as I did Commander looked away

"D-don't look at me like that Tim... you're flustering me." He stuttered.

"Oh, sorry Commander. I'll stop" I apologized, reaching for his hand

"It's fine Tim, it's not your fault you're... adorable..." he said, looking back at me, wait. Did he just call me adorable? Wow... he's so sweet and dreamy. I'm the luckiest person in the world!

I grabbed Commander's hand and brought it up to my lips, kissing it

"Thanks Commy, you're such a gentleman." I said, letting go of his hand and looking at him "You look pretty handsome too" At that, Commander started blushing even more.

"Heheh... T-thanks Tim I uh- I promise I'll look better on our date"

"But how? You already look amazing!" I smiled at him, making him look away again.

"Y-yeah yeah. Whatever T-tim..."

351 words

Jeeze idk why it took me so long to finish this chapter I'll try to update more frequently in the future

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