Pawn player

17 2 0

With every week passing
I lose that once burning flame
We're separating, aren't we?
Once the flame is gone
There's nothing bringing us together again

Are you pushing away or
Are we both moving away
Are we where we used to be
You say I deserve better
What's better?

Can't we just enjoy our good times
Care for you,care for me
Love for you, love for me
Isn't that how it works

We both hate one another
You say you dont want to lose me
Prove it, my love
If you show no interest and no effort
Wouldn't it be fair that I do the same.

What's your play?
What's the next move?
Which is the way?
Do you walk towards or away?
Do I follow or run away?

What do you do?
What is it?
How do you plan your next move,
Pawn Player?

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