Chapter 6

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Y/N's (your) POV

"both me and Davina can breath in any atmosphere, and in no atmosphere. We're shilded from space" I explained

"would that be considered as a superpower?" Sea Hawk

"are you dumb, Sea Hawk? If being able to breath in space ISN'T a superpower I might as well swap powers with Spinerella" A girl with blue hair and dark chocolate skin said

"huh?" who I assume was Spinerella asked, she was spaced out

see what I did there? with space?

"I'll get Darla!" Entrapta said, exitedly

"who's Darla?" I asked

"Mara's ship" Adora replied

"well then who's Mara?" I asked

"Swifty why don't you take Y/N to see Razz? she'll probably explain better than us" Adora said to Swift Wind

"Of course! but if I do this I get a chair" Swift Wind said

"Swift Wind!" Adora exclaimed

"Fine, get on my back, Y/N" Swift Wind said

"um this flying horse is not flying me anywhere" I said

"can you flight?" Adora crossed her arms

"yeah" I replied

"oh- um... well- either way you don't know were Razz is so Swift Wind has to take you" Adora said

"Is Razz also known as Madame Razz?" I asked

"yeah?- how- how did you know that?" glitter asked

"One of my powers consists in scanning for people, I scanned for someone called Razz and found someone called Madame Razz, aparently she lives in The whispering woods" I explained

"can't you scan for Davina, then? and who told you about The whispering woods?" a dark skinned guy in a crop top asked

"no, crop top. I can only scan people within the planet I'm in. And when I scan for people I also get their current location and it's name" I explained

"oh my name is Bow" Bow explained

"okay Bow"

"why can you call Bow Bow but you can't call me Glimmer?" glitter asked annoyed

"what's that, glitter?" I teased

"agh" she groaned

"is that-" I said, when I saw Melog

Melog and I knew each other, I would go to its planet and we would play all day long alongside its siblings

"Melog?" I asked, Melog jumped on top of me and started licking my face

"how do you know Melog?" Catra asked

"oh let me guess, another superpower?" Adora joked

"no, before my planet was destroyed we used to teleport back and forth, we played with our invisibility powers alongside Melog's siblings" I explained

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