chapter 1

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Catra pov

The sound of lockers slamming close could be heard through the hallways of Bright Moon High, the herd of people heading to class rushed past. You could always tell the freshmen apart from everyone else, as they were usually the ones hurrying a bit more, caring a little too much about being on time. Those habits would die soon enough, almost everyone stopped caring eventually, there's always the exception of nerds and teacher's pets of course but not her.

Catra certainly wasn't the social type, in fact she just wished everyone would leave her alone.
At the beginning of her school career people did try to become friends, but they quickly stopped when they realised Catra wasn't interested.
They were all just in her way or being as fake as ever anyway, she didn't want that.

The only people she liked were Scorpia and Entrapta.
Scorpia is her roommate, she's loud and can be annoying but she's nice. She always invites Catra to do stuff with her and Entrapta, sometimes Catra agrees but usually she just stays in her dorm. But no matter how much she likes the 2 girls, she'll never admit they're her friends, because friends are a distraction and connections are weakness, she'd learned that a long time ago. No one was to be trusted.

The bell had already rang 15 minutes ago but Catra took her sweet, sweet time finding a seat in the back of the room as she walked into her linguistics class, the professor shot her a glare but she ignored it, sitting down and taking out her laptop. Throughout class she took a few notes, emphasis on 'few', and the rest of the time just stared at her screen, tuning out the lecture and letting her thoughts run free.


Adora pov

After making sure she had everything she needed, Adora closes her locker, turning around and letting out a small yelp as she was unexpectedly met with her friend's face.

"Glimmer! You can't just sneak up on people like that!"

"Oh don't be so dramatic, I've been standing here for 5 minutes you know?"

"oh" She said, slight confusion in her voice.

"Yeah, daydreaming again huh? What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Glimmer asked while she patted Adora's signature hairpoof.

"Hey, don't do that! And nothing, I was just zoned out I guess" the blonde answered.

She glanced at her watch, "oh shit if we don't leave now we're gonna be late again, Weaver's still pissed at us for last time and I do NOT wanna deal with that today"

"I still blame you for that, you're the one that convinced me to skip physics and lost track of time!" Her purple haired friend recalled.

Adora scoffed "well you-" she got cut off before she could finish her sentence.

"Yeah yeah let's just go, Bow's waiting!" Glimmer said as she pulled Adora by her arm, dragging her to their next class, where Bow was indeed waiting.
"Finally! You're here" he exclaimed, walking into the classroom as the two girls followed him. The trio took a space in the middle, sitting down next to each other.

Not even 15 minutes into the lecture Adora was staring out the window, completely dissociated, in her own small bubble, that was until Bow tapped her shoulder and gestured to the professor who had apparently asked her something.

"Could you please repeat that Miss Weaver?" She asked as innocently as possible.

Miss Weaver let out an annoyed sigh, "can you tell me the key formula from the chapter we're on today?" She asked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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