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The night is quiet and all is dark. An owl hoots somewhere, disturbing the quietness. Everybody is asleep. Except one.

Harry is laying on his bed staring at his alarm clock, wanting to sleep but cannot. Tomorrow will be his 11th birthday and they are going shopping for his first year in Hogwarts. He can't wait. He also is allowed to pick a birthday present. Anything he wants. Then they are going to see Sirius, Lupin, Severus, the Weasleys' and Hagrid for some tea.

I hope Severus and Sirius won't start arguing again, Harry thinks. Sirius can't go over the fact that it was Severus that saved them all from He-who-must-not-be-named or Volde... Harry can't even think the name.

He looks at the clock. Only 12 minuets until he is eleven.

It's been almost ten years since He came to Harry's house to kill him. But the house was empty when he got there. Harry was only one years old. Severus had come and told them to take everything they needed and leave everything that did not matter. He said that Peter Pettigrew had betrayed them and He was on his way. Then they had disapparated to Hogsmeade and they went straight to find Dumbledore. They haven't been to Godric's Hollow since then.

Of course Harry doesn't remember anything, because he was just a baby, but he has heard the story a million times. Now they stay in some wizard neighborhood with Dumbledores protection, he is their Keeper. He-who-must-not-be-named has gone into hiding. No one knows why. Sirius says because he's scared but Severus says that he is planning something and wanted to stay low. Lupin agrees, Sirius snorts.

-beep, beep
The clock is telling him happy birthday. Harry smiles and then he closes his eyes, dreaming about quidditch and owls and Him.

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