2 |Tea Party Gone Wrong|

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Harry sat on the grass in their back yard. He saw his mother baking and his father was talking to Sirius and Hagrid. Sirius came early and gave Harry a snitch and a signed poster of his favorite Quidditch team, The English National Quidditch team. Harry was letting the snitch fly a little over his head and then catch it.

It was getting a little cold, which was weird because it was still July. The weather had been really weird all summer. One day in June Harry woke up and looked outside and their yard was full of snow and then the next day it was foggy and burning hot.

Harry couldn't wait. After one month he would take the train to Hogwarts.

"Sweetheart!" Harry looked back at the house. His mother was smiling at him through the window.

"Severus is here" she said smiling. Harry walked in. His father and Sirius stood there by the tv staring at Snape. His father with a cold, but still polite smile. Sirius had no expression. Snape didn't mind. He just saw Lilly. He hugged her. For a little to long time, Harry thought. His dad thought the same thing. He let out a little cough and Snape let go off Harry's mother.

"So, Harry," Snape said in his usual cold, bored voice. Snape took out a bad wrapped package and handed to Harry. Then he sat down at the dinner table.

"Thanks," Harry said, smiling a little bit. Harry sat down on the floor and opened the package. Inside was a new school bag. Harry was just going to use the bag he used in muggle school, but now he had a new one.

"Thanks," he said again, now smiling with a appreciation. Lilly smiled at Snape and he smiled back with his rare smiles. Then the smile faded when Harry's father came and put his arms around her. Hagrid came and sat down on his special chair he had at the dinner table and began talking to Snape about the next semester. It was more like Hagrid was talking to himself because Snape was just looking at Lilly and didn't really pay attention.

Harry sat down next to Sirius, who was now sitting by the fire staring into it. He put on a smile when Harry came.

"How do you like your presents?" he asked.

"Oh, they are fine," Harry said. Sirius chucked.

"That bad, huh?"
"No, no, no, they are great, I was just saying you know," Harry said awkwardly. Sirius chuckled again.

"What are you going to name your owl?" he asked. Harry had been thinking about that earlier but didn't find any right name. He lifted his shoulders, meaning he didn't know.

"It is a girl, right?" Harry nodded.
"Have you heard about the powerful witch, Cecilia Hedwig?" Sirius asked. Harry shakes his head.

"Well Cecilia Hedwig was one of the old headmasters in Hogwarts. She was really powerful and was one of the wizards that had the old magic. That is the Elements. Fire, water, wind and earth. She helped students understand that it wasn't bad to be different and taught those few students that had the old magic to understand it. She lived very long, but when He came to power he wanted her on his side, but she of course refuses and he kills her. But not after a big fight, and he made him weaker. "

Elements, Harry thought. He had never heard of the old magic.

"What about the others?" Harry asked.

"All of them were loyal to Cecilia so they all said no to Him and they got all killed, but I believe there are some wizards with the old magic somewhere," Sirius said, with a faint smile.

"Did you know anyone that had the old magic?"

"Nobb, but I wish" Sirius and chuckled. Then Lupin and the Weasleys' came in.

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