14. Secret Longing

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In the end Seb didn't speak to Joel.  Elena had sprung a surprise on him. She'd planned a romantic getaway to Paris for them.

He'd tried his best to appear happy about it but was far from it. He knew he could't keep refusing her in bed or she would become suspicious. As much as she could annoy him sometimes he did care about her and didn't want to hurt her. The trouble was he couldn't get intimate with her without thinking about Mollie.

He didn't know if he was in love with her anymore. How could he be if he'd kissed Mollie like that, if he constantly craved Mollie in his bed?

His guilty conscience was killing him. He'd never ever cheated before. He couldn't bring himself to regret it though.

Kissing Mollie had been everything he'd ever imagined, and more. It was as if their lips were made for each other. He had literally never felt sexual attraction like it. Not even with Elena. 

He had to force himself not to think of Mollie when Elena made her move on him the first night in Paris. He just went through the motions.  If Elena noticed anything different about his lovemaking she didn't mention it. 

On their last night there Elena was in a chatty mood. She kept dropping hints about marriage and children in their future. Seb didn't take the bait. If she was hinting for him to propose she'd be waiting a long time.

He sat out on the balcony drinking a bottle of beer. He tuned the droning sound of Elena's voice out. He thought once again about a certain British brunette. What was she doing right now? Did she ever think about him? Had she slept with Luca?

"Sebastian! I'm trying to talk to you here! Be nice if you actually paid attention."

"Sorry Elena, I was miles away."

"What the fuck has got into you this week? You've been off since Spain. You don't want sex, you space out a lot."

Ok so maybe she had noticed.

"What do you mean? We have had sex the last four nights."

"Yes, but you were different. You weren't trying to dominate me."

"You've told me so many times you don't like that."

"I don't but you always try. And not once have you initiated the sex."

"You're reading too much into  it Ellie. I'm just tired. I haven't been sleeping well."

"So we're OK? You still want me?"

For a brief moment she sounded vulnerable, nothing like the Elena he knew.

He hesitated. Truth was that the only one he wanted was Mollie.

But Mollie had turned him down. She had left with Luca Bonucci.

"Yes Elena. I still want you," he lied.

She took his hand and led him to the bedroom. Then he let himself think of Mollie as Elena undid his jeans and took out his cock. He saw Mollie's green eyes as Elena took him in her mouth.

He only wished that one day he wouldn't have to imagine anymore.


The black labrador came bounding across the field, covered in mud.

"Oh for fuck's sake Nelson. You always have to find the biggest mud patch around," Mollie muttered.

"Looks like someone needs a bath," joked her brother, Jude, walking  alongside her.

"I'll leave that to you. Ash is coming round. Got to train."

"Excuses, excuses." Jude laughed.

Mollie couldn't believe Jude was eighteen now. He'd had his birthday over the winter. Depending on his exam results he was plamning to go to university later that year to study mechanical engineering.

"Are you ok Mols?" he asked. "You've been very quiet since you got home from Spain."

"Just tired Jude. Also just been thinking where I can improve. I have to be better if I want to beat Bereshnakova."

"You'll beat her. You're the best Mols."

"Thanks Jude. "

Mollie's thoughts turned to Seb. She just couldn't forget their secret kiss. She wanted him so much. She could have had him that night if she hadn't bottled it.

She was amazed she'd had the strength to resist him. Truth was if she hadn't been so petrified of him finding out she was a virgin she probably would have caved in.

He was used to Elena, who was probably amazing in the sack, Mollie thought. Elena was the type who had to be the best at everything.

Yeah, it was probably for the best that things had gone no further. Seb would have been disappointed with her.

At least she wouldn't have to see him until Baku, in a few weeks time. If she was lucky she might even be able to avoid him there.

"Mols, I'm talking to you," Jude said.

"Sorry Jude, I was in a world of my own."

"No shit. I said did you want to come to the pub Sunday and watch the Monaco race with me and the lads?"

Mollie nodded. Jude's friends were a good bunch. They all treated her like their big sister.

"I'd love to Jude," she agreed.

They headed home with a very muddy Nelson leading the way.


Elena threw her arms around Seb in the paddock. He'd just finished fifth in the Monaco Grand Prix. She kissed him hard on the mouth.

"Well done baby," she said. He kissed her back, not wanting  the press to pick up on any reticence on his part. They'd love to twist that into a bullshit story.

As Elena released him and headed to speak to Mattia Binotto Seb noticed Luca Bonucci glaring at him.

"Problem Bonucci?" Seb asked.

"I take it Elena doesn't know you were kissing someone else in Spain."

"Mollie told you."

"Yes. She was upset. Are you fucking stupid Vettel? You know Elena hates Mollie. What would this do if Elena found out? And why the fuck would you mess with Mollie's emotions like that?"

"Luca, I can't explain. I don't know why . Well I do. I wanted Mollie. I've always wanted Mollie. I can't  explain why I didn't resist. I was weak."

"Stay the fuck away from her Vettel. I don't want to see her hurt. She's a cracking girl and she deserves better."

Seb glared at Luca before storming off.

He was fuming because he knew Luca was right. Mollie deserved better. He was going to make sure he stayed away from her. 

Elena was his. Mollie wasn't. He had to remember that.


Elena sat on the end of the bed. She was seething inside. Something was off with Seb and she knew it. The sex had seriously deteriorated. She couldn't  shake the feeling that there was someone else. He'd always had a high sex drive. Now it only happened if she instigated it. There must be someone else. She would find out. And if there was, then they'd both pay. Sebastian Vettel was hers, and she wasn't letting him go.

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