23. I Want You, Do You Want Me Too?

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Seb unlocked his front door and held it open for Mollie. She smiled at him as she passed. Closing the door behind them he asked her if she'd like a drink.

"I haven't got much to offer I'm afraid. I don't stay here often. I have tea, but no milk.  Water, a few beers. I haven't had time to pop to the shop yet. I just wanted to talk to you as soon as possible. I can pick some up when I pop out to get the takeaway."

"Seb, you're rambling. Calm down. Water's fine."

"Ok. Take a seat and I'll go and get you some."

Mollie sank down onto the sofa. She glanced around. She could tell that he hadn't spent much time there. It was too perfect. It didn't look lived in.  He quickly came back from the kitchen and placed her drink in front of her on the coffee table. She thanked him.

He sat down nervously in the armchair opposite her.

"Thank you for coming Mollie. I appreciate you giving me a chance to apologize.  I really am so sorry."

"So you keep saying.  Listen I know we need to talk but I really need food Seb. I feel weak as anything. I've not eaten since breakfast and it's almost 6 o'clock now."

"Of course, I'm sorry. What do you fancy? There's a pizza place down the road. A Chinese too or Fish and Chips? I'm happy with any of those." Mollie thought about it for a  moment.

"One thing I missed when I was living in the States was good old Fish and Chips.  Haven't actually gotten around to having any since I've been back so let's go with that. Cod and chips, lots of salt and vinegar. Oh, do you have any ketchup?"

Seb smiled, loving how excited she looked about having Fish and Chips.

"I don't, but I can get some when I stop at the shop for some drinks. What drink would you like? Don't worry, I won't tell Ash."

"An ice cold cider would go down well," she decided.

"Ok, I'll nip down now. Won't be long. Make yourself at home. There's Netflix on the television. "  He headed back out of the door. Mollie picked up the remote and turned the tv on. She decided on a soppy rom com she hadn't seen in a while. She made it about ten minutes into the movie before falling asleep.

Twenty minutes after that Seb let himself back in. He smiled as he found her fast asleep. She looked so peaceful. It was a shame to wake her.

He placed a hand on her arm and gently shook her.

"Mols, dinner's here. Wake up sweetheart."

Mollie slowly opened her eyes. She suddenly remembered where she was.

"Hey sleepyhead. Fish and Chips as requested. And cider. And I remembered the ketchup."

"Thanks," she smiled. She got up and followed him into the kitchen.  He pulled a cider out of the pack and put the rest into the fridge. He handed it to Mollie.

"Do you want a glass?"

"Nah, the can's fine" she answered. She put it on the table and opened it with her good hand,before taking a long swig.

Seb got a couple of plates out of the cupboard and began unwrapping the food.  Soon they were sat at the table tucking in.

After they had finished Mollie declared that it was the best Fish and Chips she'd ever had.

They went back through to the lounge. Mollie carried her second can of cider with her. Seb had a can of Pepsi as he had to drive Mollie home later.

He sat down on the sofa and patted the space besides him.  Mollie hesitated. He wasn't totally forgiven and she didn't want him to think he was. He had a lot of grovelling to do. Finally, she decided to sit next to him.

"You wanted to talk...so talk," she said.

"Ok. So first of all I want to say again how truly sorry I am. For everything. Mollie, I was a jerk. More than once. I can't think of a reason why you should forgive me but I'm begging you to. I regret everything. I wish I'd just took you that night. You're beautiful and I want you so much. Do you want me too Mollie? Be honest. "

Mollie panicked. What could she say to that? Of course she wanted him. She always had but things hadn't changed. He was still with Elena. He wasn't free to be hers.

"Seb, it's complicated..." she began.

"Yes or no Mollie? Do you want me?"

"Yes but...."

"No buts. You want me. I want you."

"Elena. You're still with her."

"I don't want her though. It's not forever. I know I'm not being fair asking you to be my other woman but I can't be without you.  I need you Mollie Rashford. Just as much as I need air to breathe. I can't sleep without dreaming about you."

"I can't Seb. I do want you but I'm not being second best. I deserve better. Maybe when you and Elena are over..."

"Fuck Elena." Seb instantly knew what he had to do. It was against every bit of his character but for once he had to be brutal. "I didn't want to do this while she's having such a bad time but I can't lose you. I'll end it. I promise."

"Don't make me promises you can't keep Seb."

"Mollie,  you're driving me crazy. Even sitting here next to you, all I want to do is peel that dress off of you and finish what we started in Austria. I want to be inside you. I want to feel you tight around me. Mollie please say it isn't just me. Mollie, how do you feel?"

Mollie looked away. She was scared he would see exactly how she felt.

"Mollie, look at me. Look at me." He placed his hand under her chin and turned her head towards him. "Please Mollie.  I'm begging you."

Mollie looked at him, seeing the passion burning in his eyes. She nodded.

"Yes Seb. I want you so much, but I'm scared. Everything is so complicated."

"We can deal with everything. Tonight let's forget it all Mollie. Mollie, I want to make love to you. Do you want that Mollie? "

Mollie looked at him.  She was petrified. Seb was everything she had ever wanted. And he wanted her. Was she brave enough to trust him and take that step? She opened her mouth to answer....

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