45. Do Dreams Ever Come True?

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Mollie stood in her driver's room.  She was ready to head across to the garage.  It was nearly time.  Qualifying hadn't gone exactly the way she'd wanted.  She'd messed up. She'd spun on her fast lap in Q2 and been eliminated. She'd be starting the race in P14. 

And to make matters worse Elena was starting on Pole.  She needed to make up a minimum of six places if she wanted to win the championship today. She knew she should have confidence in herself but she was feeling the pressure.

This was her dream. To be the best. But did dreams ever really come true? She smiled as she thought of one that had. Seb. She knew that they had a lot of work to do on their relationship, but they loved each other so she was sure they could make it work.

There was a knock on the door. That would probably be Ash or Cassie.

"Come in," she called. The door opened and a very familiar head popped around the door.

"Hey baby, I just wanted to wish you luck," Seb said, slipping into the room. He was still wearing his race suit from quali. He shut the door behind him and pulled her in for a kiss. She felt desire coursing through her as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She gave a little moan against his lips.

He pulled back and smiled.

"I'm going to need more than luck today. I'm going to need a miracle."

" Hey less of that talk. You've got this. Three points baby. You can do it."

"I bottled it in quali."

"You made a mistake. You've been next to faultless all season."

"What if I blow it Seb? What if I lose the championship? It's so close, yet so far away. "

"You're not going to blow it. This is your year. You are the best Mollie."

"You have to say that. You're my boyfriend."

"Yes, but it's the truth. Now kiss me. And then go get them." She pressed her lips to his and they kissed for a few minutes before she reluctantly pulled away.

"I'll be there at the end. No matter what. I promise you. "

"I'll see you then. "

"And I fully expect to be celebrating your championship win."

"I'll try."

"Mollie, where's your fire?  Where's that girl who fought back after an accident that would have finished most drivers' careers? Don't give me any bullshit that you're not good enough.  I've seen for myself. Matthew Thorne wouldn't have asked you to drive Fp1 in Malaysia if you weren't good enough. So you go out there and you get those three fucking points. No excuses, no regrets. I love you champ. Now get out. Shoo!"

She kissed him one more time before heading out to the garage. She could do this. She would justify everyone's faith in her. Time to make this dream come true.


The lights went out and Mollie shot forward. Paola Totti fluffed the start so that was one place gained straight away.  She outbraked Lester at turn one and took twelfth place, and settled in behind Koskinen.  Several laps passed and Mollie was getting frustrated. The pack were starting to pull away whilst she was stuck behind the slow Finn. 

It was too early for the undercut.  It was only lap 9 out of 53. Mollie could go for a two stop but that would be a big risk.  She knew most of them would be on a one stop.  If it had been the same length as the F1 race a two stop would have been the preferred option but as it was only 75% of the distance a one was the strategy of choice.  

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