35. Reunion

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Seb's flight had been delayed. It was the early hours when he pulled up outside his apartment. Mollie wasn't expecting him back until the following evening but he'd managed to get an earlier flight.   He had not wanted to hang around Sochi any longer.

Despite his defence of Mollie against Elena's accusations he hadn't been able to get his mind off of  what Elena had said.  Could it possibly be true?  Was Mollie only with him as part of some kind of game to get to Elena? 

His gut instinct was telling him that it was all a lot of bollucks. Mollie couldn't fake her body's reaction to him. She wanted him. But did she love him?  His mind had been so far from racing that weekend and he'd ended up out of the race, spinning through his own fault.

Elena had hung around like a bad smell, trying to get back into his life.  Didn't she get it? Even if he found out that she was speaking the truth about Mollie, he was never going back to her. She was history. He had seen her for what she was and he didn't like her.    He'd been a fool for putting up with her for so long.

He'd never known what love really felt like until Mollie. It would destroy him if he lost her.  Another reason he had come home early.  He needed to get this cleared up and get Mollie's side of things. 

There was also another thing that they needed to discuss. On the Saturday in Sochi it had been brought to his attention, and all the other drivers' attention, that Mollie and Sophia's photoshoot from a few weeks back had been published. 

Seb hadn't known until he'd been shown it by Daniel Ricciardo and Antonio Giovinazzi, who had been practically salivating over it.  Of course, they didn't know that Seb and Mollie were together so they didn't hold back on what they thought.

Seb had nearly had heart failure as he looked at the pictures on Daniel's phone. Mollie looked sexy as hell in an electric blue bikini and sarong. And the bikini top didn't hide much! What was she thinking of? Did she want the whole grid perving over her? Not to mention the rest of the world's male population!

He barely even registered that Sophia was in the pictures too.

Then he'd nearly snapped when Daniel had commented on what he would do to Mollie if he could have her alone in a room for 24 hours.  He'd bit his tongue, but had been seething inside.  He wanted to tell Daniel that  he had no chance as Seb was the one that was getting to fuck her.  He didn't though, as although Elena now knew he wanted to talk to Mollie before anyone else found out. 

So yeah, after a weekend he'd rather forget, here he was. He got out of the car and headed inside, leaving his luggage in the car until morning. He quietly let himself in and tiptoed into the lounge. 

It was just how he'd left it apart from an empty glass on the side and Mollie's Vans underneath the coffee table.  He picked the glass up and went into the kitchen.  He could see an empty pizza box sticking out of the recycling bin.  He looked at the clock on the wall. It was 3.30. He yawned. He was exhausted. All he wanted to do was climb into bed and hold his Mollie. 

He went back into the lounge and slipped his trainers off.  He left his jacket on the sofa and padded down the hallway to the bedroom. 

There he found his Mollie.  She had fallen asleep with the lamp on. She was curled up on her side with one leg sticking out of the covers.  Seb felt a stab of desire.  Should he wake her to sate his needs?

He smiled as he noticed that she was wearing one of his T-shirts.  It definitely looked better on her than on him.  

He pulled his T-shirt over his head and let it drop to the floor.  He undid his jeans and stepped out of them.  He was really beginning to feel horny now, despite his tiredness.   He hadn't possessed her since Tuesday and it was now Monday morning.  

He slipped his boxers off and approached the bed, his manhood growing by the second.  He lifted the covers and slipped in behind Mollie.  He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.  She sighed in her sleep. 

He slipped his hands up the front of the T-shirt and cupped her breasts.  He felt her nipples instinctively harden.  Yes. Her body definitely wanted him.  There was no faking that reaction.  He pressed his body up against hers, pressing his erection against her buttocks.  He hardened more when he realised she wasn't wearing any underwear.

He felt her jump as she woke and he whispered to her not to worry, that it was just him. She whispered his name, full of longing. He smiled smugly. Whatever Elena thought, this was the truth. He was the only man who had ever possessed Mollie.  She wanted him. He wanted her. 

Seb rolled onto his back.  "Mollie, I want you to ride me baby."   Mollie turned and straddled him. He slid straight inside her, causing her to cry out. He pulled his T-shirt over her head and threw it to the floor.

"You're early," she stated.

"Are you complaining?  I just couldn't keep away any longer Mols. I need you."  His hands grabbed her breasts.  Mollie began moving on his dick. He knew he wasn't going to last long this time. He thought of her in that electric blue bikini.  He thrust his hips up, matching her movements for the next few minutes. 

"Oh Mollie my darling. I've missed you so much," he groaned.  She increased the tempo and he felt his balls tighten. 

"Jesus Mollie, I can't.... I'm going to come." 

Mollie cried out as she came seconds before he did.   Afterwards, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight.  He knew in the morning they were going to have to talk but for now all he wanted to do was hold her and sleep.

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