student athlete epic fails

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class has just started and wow, it must seem like a coincidence but you and the lovely, semi eita, has the same class! how amazing

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class has just started and wow, it must seem like a coincidence but you and the lovely, semi eita, has the same class! how amazing.

"wow, so nice to have a class with you this semester." you sarcastically smiled.

semi sarcastically smiled as well, "you do know that... you're annoying, right?" he huffed, "all you ever do is yap and yap. like a chihuahua."

the two of you walked in together (coincidentally) and looked around for vacant seats in the classroom. there were two vacant seats— one in the front of the class (the bad seat) and one in the back of the class (the better seat).

immediately, you two looked at each other before dashing to the empty seat at the back. you got there first but the amazing semi started pushing you to the side, nearly tipping you over.

"can you get out!" you whisper-yelled at him, "i got here first, and we both know it!" you pushed him to the side as well. both of you were strong, so the forces of both of your pushes were just balancing each other out."

"you wish," the boy grumbled, "i don't want that seat in the front!" he pushed you in the ribs, making you tumble to the side but you were quick enough to catch yourself to regain the position you were in earlier, "just go to the front! you are a teacher's pet, aren't you?"

your eyes widened in sarcastic offense. you laughed exasperatedly before pushing him again! at this point, you guys were just trying to get into the small seat, pushing each other with such force and the other students in the class were just looking at you both, but didn't bother to talk about it because of the reputation you two had.

perks of being wakatoshi's friends, right?

"go to the front, y/n!" he exclaimed.

"i got here first! you're only doing this because you're being difficult!" you were about to take over the force before you heard an abrupt sound of someone knocking on the table in front of the classroom.

semi and you immediately stopped your antics only to see your male teacher staring at the two of you with wide and shocked yet disappointed eyes.

you two quieted down while semi gave you one last petty push in front of the teacher.

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