time = distance / speed

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it was thursday afternoon

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it was thursday afternoon. another volleyball practice. but instead of a joint practice, the coaches gave you freedom to do personal practice instead, which you were thankful for.

after the incident with semi last night, everybody has been on edge for the two of you. usually, they were waiting for a fight between you and semi when practice started but no words, not even teases, were spoken. you could feel the air was really tense. it wasn't normal at all.

since you are a wing spiker and emiko is a setter, it wasn't a surprise when you two decided to practice together. tsuna (wing spiker) and hana (libero) decided to practice together too; however they can.

emiko walked up to you as she was doing her ponytail, "you okay, by the way? semi-san's words last nights were a bit harsh," the girl uttered, "if you want me to punch his face for you, i can totally do that! better yet, i'll ask ushiwaka to slap him or something-"

"miko!" you interrupted her, laughing, "it's fine. i swear. i'm not really phased by it. semi has said way meaner things in the past... so i don't really care." you told her.

"i still feel bad," she shrugged, "i get that you guys tease each other on a daily basis but he crossed the line."

"i'm fine seriously," you laughed, "let's practice, alright? i just wanna get my mind off of that stupid guy."

emiko agreed by nodding, grabbing a white ball from the hammock ball cart. she grabbed some tape before hand and wrapped it around her fingers. the girl set the ball which flew right to you and you responded with a powerful spike. to be honest, powerful was an understatement.

the spiked ball bounced harshly on the floor, making it have the momentum to bounce up again all the way to the ceiling. yes, the ball got stuck in the ceiling. everybody's jaws dropped.

your eyes widened, "...whoops?"

"y/n! what was that?! that's crazy!" tendou exclaimed from across the gym, hands flailing around, "when did you get so strong?!"

"u-um..." you were speechless, "i don't know! it just... happened!" you lifted your shoulders.

tendou pat you on the head, "ah! keep it up and i bet you'll be stronger than wakatoshi-kun by college! you know he's getting old and all..." he started laughing as he walked away.

ruin our friendship . semi eita! ✓Where stories live. Discover now