oh no !

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you woke up with a pounding headache

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you woke up with a pounding headache. the sunlight obnoxiously making your eyes open on its own. you groaned and sat up then looked down on your clothes, only to realize it wasn't the same as last night's; you were in a more comfier attire.

your palm met your forehead in exasperation. fuck, i definitely have a hangover, you thought. you sat up once again, more straighter this time and looked over to your right. your eyebrows furrowed when you saw shirabu on the other bed instead of emiko. your eyes widened as you looked on the bed you were sleeping in, you looked to your left, seeing semi's sleeping state.

you screamed.

and fell off the bed.

"fucking — shit! what the fuck am i doing here?!" you shouted at the top of your lungs as you tried to untangle your legs from his blanket that was laid over the two of you. good thing, there was AT LEAST a 10 inch gap between the two of you when you woke up, "semi! wake the fuck up!"

the setter groaned as he squinted his eyes. semi sat up slowly and yawned while he looked at you, "good morning."

your nose flared, "d-don't you 'good morning' me, you piece of shit!" you snapped as you got out of his bed, "why the fuck am i here?!" you whisper-yelled since you realize shirabu was still fast asleep.

"does it even matter?" semi asked with a quiet yet raspy voice, "you were stupid drunk and i brought you here cause you were being a complete idiot last night."

you inhaled sharply as you looked around their dorm room. you bit your bottom lip while you paced back and forth parallel from semi's bed. in the corner of your eye, you saw your dress hung nicely on the coat rack, your heels just under the dress.

semi looked at you with a teasing look. he was shirtless and his hair was messy.

"put on a shirt!"

"i'm quite refreshed shirtless, thanks though."

"whose clothes are these?" worry filled your body quick. the clothes you were wearing was a large t-shirt and some way-too-big sweatpants.

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