Chapter 1

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Some people believe in destiny, that things are meant to happen for a reason. Others say it's a fluke. But the rest, that small minority knows best. That in this world not everything can be explained using science or chemicals because sometimes it's real. We just can't understand it. But it's there. That feeling you get when you know something's going to happen, those butterflies in your belly that start out small but eventually become indestructible. It's that. Ands that's what going to change our world.

Bonnie was pissed. She watched unable to do anything, as the movers came in and out of the house, possessions in hand, their sweat dripping off in buckets. She couldn't even stand to look at them, knowing that their very existence was ruining her life. In theory it wasn't their fault, but they weren't helping any at all. Here she was, an seventeen-year-old about to start her last year and the worst thing possible was happening. Bonnie should have been thrilled she only had one more year and then would never have to look back, but that wasn't how she felt.

2 months ago Bonnies Mum made the announcement that they were moving. Moving houses wasn't the problem. The real problem that it wouldn't just be a house but an entire country to be exact. America. 8 hours on an aeroplane. Sure her Mum liked to change her mind over things but she said she would never leave the house where they could remember dad. It was said many years ago. But still, she had said it. And Bonnie thought she had meant it. Obviously not.

The other big problem was that school in America is different than what she's use to. Sure she could get use to it possibly. But she doesn't want to. Theirs a difference.

Getting nauseated by watching all their belongings move around Bonnie headed up to her now old room. Slamming the door shut with a loud bang. Staring out the window she spotted her mother Jennifer, hands on her hips growling orders at the moving men. She moved her gaze towards the moving truck and noted how full it appeared to be. They were leaving soon even if she wanted to or not.

2 week later

Stopping at the base of the tree line, Bonnie partially hid from sight. No one appeared to be here. But still. Better to be cautious than sorry. She watched as a family of foxes perched by the edge of the beautiful lake. Their young drinking happily. The large brick waterfall just a couple feet behind them stood above 10 feet tall and gushed large waves of clear blue water. Stepping forward a few branches cracked under her feet, grimacing she stole a look at the family of foxes just to watch them scurry off. Sighing she stepped forward and inhaled the fresh smell of the lake. Walking just a few feet from where the foxes had once been, she gingerly sat down and relaxed.

Mentally kicking her self Bonnie remembered that she hadn't fetched her phone - or rather left it to die and conveniently lost the charger so she doesn't have to hear crying best friends.

Laying her head on her arms behind, she patiently watched the changing clouds. Picking out any shapes. A hat. A baseball bat. A frog.

As her thoughts drifted howling and whining from a distance could be heard. Furrowing her brows Bonnie tried to even her breathing so she could hear more. But the wood of trees was quiet once again apart from rustling and stomping of feet. Sitting up so her back was towards whoever approached Bonnie waited for them to say something. The quiet of the birds and the animals scared her more than she would have liked.

Before the other person could utter a word, Bonnie turned around and said, "Are yo..." The words dried up in her throat as she stared at the man before her, no more than a few feet from her. He stood like the perfect little solider. His posture was pin straight and his arms were clasped behind his back. She snapped her mouth closed and craned her neck to stare into his face. Heat filled her cheeks more than likely staining them red.

He was tall, with a heavily muscled body proudly displayed with no shirt. Light blue basketball shorts hung loosely around his hips threatening to drop just a few more inches. A dark intrinsic design of thick and thin lines made up his entire ride arm drifting off onto his torso. A torso of broad shoulders and lines of abs narrowly missing the V traveling into his shorts. He has high cheekbones with 2 thin lines of pink flesh for lips and a slightly crooked nose. But his eyes. Grey. A dark grey hinting at the predator within him. His hair shaved close on the sides and longer on top was the colour of midnight. When all the stars have stopped shining and it's just black.

"Do yo.. Uhh do you need some help" Bonnie had to admit that he was beautiful, sculptured to perfection. His presence seemed to be doing something go her, she breathed deeper staring into his eyes.

He help up his hands in a show of surrender and slowly stepped towards her. His features becoming more pronounced. "I'm okay, but thank you" his rough deep voice burnt something inside Bonnie and she reacted by rubbing her thighs together unconsciously. She watched him make his way towards her not taking his eyes of off her. The dark grey orbs staring at her held a mixture of amazement and vulnerability. All of which you would not think this man could have.

He sat down slowly next to Bonnie almost as if not to scare her."I'm Bonnie" she said quietly not quite able to remove her eyes just yet. He seemed unable to either. A tilt of his lips showed a dimple in his chain. Bonnie almost groaned.

He chuckled with a full grin on his face almost as if he knew what she was thinking."Hi Bonnie, I'm Rasper. It's nice to meet you sweetheart" by the smile on his face Bonnie could almost think that he was glad to meet her. She smiled at him in response. His eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning. He looked younger when he did that. He leaned back with his arms behind his head and watched as Bonnie did the same. Her long blonde hair fanning out like a halo around her. She giggled when he batted some away from his face.

Bonnie listened to the nature around her, slowly absorbing the calming facade. The Adonis like man laid next her grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers. A pulse of electricity shot through her when he gently stroked his thumb across the back of her hand. They both smiled as they watched the clouds change shape.

When the wind gradually picked up again Bonnie couldn't help but shiver. Not from the cold. But from the highly masculine scent drifting towards her, he smelt of the wilderness. Wild and untamed.

"Are you cold? It's getting kind of late maybe I should head back" Bonnie watched as his eyes became hard and his jaw tensed suddenly. Standing up to his full height Bonnie let him pull her up. Their height difference made them both laugh. Bonnie was only 5ft3 and there was easily over a foot between them in difference. She smiled at him and leaned up to kiss his cheek,Bonnie had to stretch on the tips of her feet whilst he bent down to receive the kiss.

Gently he moved a fallen lock of hair from her cheek and brushed it a side behind her ear. Bonnie stared into his dark grey eyes with her vibrant green ones whilst he delicately rubbed her cheek."Tomorrow?" His husky voice whispered. Bonnie nodded unable to speak. With one last smile she made her way home.

"Tomorrow sweetheart"

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