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The day for opening of the academy was coming closer. There was only one day left until the ceremony for officially opening of the school. All influential people along with the families of the students were going to be present. The school had over 10000 students enrolled. There were humans, dwarfs, demi-humans, elves, even young dragons were present.

The dragons who had got to know about this thought of it being interesting and thus sent their children too.

Lucifer had spent a lot of time with his new family until then. They studied together, ate together and even attended parties together.(though Lucifer did not wear those frilly dresses for any of them.)

Lily:- "Why are you so adamant on wearing those plain clothes, sis? "

Lola:- "Yes, we even gifted you does beautiful dresses which show your blessed figure so well! "

Lia:- "I don't like dresses. Now don't try to change the topic!"

The other two:- "Che"

Lia:- "Did you just click your tongues?"

"No we would never do something so childish and uncivilized."

Lia:- "Oh? I see.."

Taken aback my his sister's answer in complete sync, Lucifer did not pray further into the topic.

The three sisters were training together. Lucifer was teaching them tricks and tips in magic.

Lia:- "Hmmm... you have made significant growth in these few days!"

Lily:- "Of course we have! After all that hard-work if we had not improved it would have been strange! Where did you even learn these things?"

Lola:- "Thank you for the guidance eldest sister."

Though the two of them tried to maintain a mature look, the joy of being praised could be seen on their faces. When Lily saw her elder sister, who didn't even try to defend herself in the past, become so strong and cool she realized how much she had underestimated her! Whereas for Lola who had never met Lia, seeing her mysterious sister for the first time and coming to know how mature and caring she is, was a dream come true to her! After all Lily was spoiled from a young age thus she wasn't much of an elder sister material.

Lia:- "Ok let's take a break now, Noelle could you prepare some snacks for us?"

Noelle:- "Yes princess."

There sat a young maid in her 20's. She had tied brown hair, a pair of glasses on her nose, slit signs of white hair showing how stressful her work as been and she wore a classic Victoria age style maid dress. Looking extremely elegant and still giving off an air of innocence sat Noelle.

Noelle was the maid in charge of Lily and Lola when they were young. Lucifer who was interested in his sister's childhood kept her around for occasional anecdotes of their childhood.

Noelle:- "This reminds me of the time when princess Lola drank tea for the first time. As she wasn't aware of how hot it is, she ended up burning her mouth and was scared of tea until she turned 11!"

Listening to the random story from Noelle forced a laugh out of Lucifer. Lola hid her face in embarrassment and Lily kept a low profile so as to not be the next target.

Lia:- "Ha ha ha ha! Oh my god! You are so cute Lola!"

Lola:- "Please stop! You are embarrassing me in front of sister, Noelle!"

Lily:- "Yes I remember it too! Father had to sit with her to make her drink the tea! After much trouble she realized that tea isn't a mouth burning monster!"