Chapter 1

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Current age: 4 years old

3rd POV

He was not kidnapped with candy bait, no, Zuku is smarter than that. He was knocked out and tied up, he was put into a car in a blindfold. When the car got to its destination, the kidnapper carried the boy like a sack of rice. For the month's to come he was abused mentally, physically and sometime's.... You know, the uh other kind of abuse. He was experimented, and he was forced to do heavy labor. It was horrible, but he had one friend named Oliver Jade, he was a 14-year-old teen that was forced into working for Overhaul because if not his family would die. Oliver took care of Izuku's bruises and burn's, he whispered comforting word's whenever Zuku cried. Just like Zuku's mother used to.

--Half a year later--

Izuku is being chained to the wall, his looked horrible, and he was malnourished. He had been acting the scared little boy for a while now, but in reality he was already used to being scared. And his acting tricked Overhaul the second most intelligent person in the world.(that is not a canon if you're wondering it is just my bull crap) Zuku had been acting for the sake of his brother figure, Oliver. Because he knew too well that every time Zuku showed his confident facade, Oliver would be beaten up for not scaring Zuku well enough. Suddenly the slammed open and a pro hero came in. "Hey kid! Are you okay?!" The underground hero Eraserhead asked. On a normal circumstance, Zuku would be fawning over his favorite hero, but he had lost the happy gleam in his eye's long ago. Eraserhead quickly unchained him and carried Zuku out, What Izuku saw would haunt him for year's to come.

Oliver his older brother figure was getting beaten by the flame hero Endeavor, the tired Izuku jumped out from Eraserhead's arm's and ran to his brother's aid. "STOP! STOP! STOP! PLEASE STOP!!!" He yelled with tear's in his eye's. But a sickening crack, "Izuku go don't worry about me live your life fully" he heard from his dying brother "no no NO! You will be safe, please don't leave me! Brother!" He yelled. At the last part all the pro's gasped, Izuku turned to face Endeavor, and he started to glow red "you!" His bushy green hair turned partly black and his eye's turned icy blue.

"YOU WILL GET THE PUNISHMENT YOU DESERVE FOR KILLING MY INNOCENT BROTHER! I IZUKU MIDORIYA, SON OF THE TWELVE MOON'S AND PRINCE OF THE SIREN SEA, CURSE YOU BY THE LAW OF KARMA. I CURSE YOU A LEVEL 9 CURSE," his voice boomed. The pros are in utter shock they were about to attack the child when he spoke again, "AND ALL THAT HEARD AND SEEN WILL FORGET, BUT I WARN YOU OF THE DANGER THAT WILL COME." And just like that, all the pro's memories were now replaced by an Izuku sobbing for his dead brother. But Enderwhore had a strange feeling of remorse and instinct's to run from the sobbing boy.

He was taken to the doctor's, and he found out the chemical's in his system from being experimented had started to kill him, he also found out that he only had 16 years left at most.

And apparently Overhaul was not caught

After his brother's funeral he was back to his 'father's care' and just his luck 'father' was far worst then when he was kidnapped.

—Izuku's POV-

Yes, I am dying. So now what? I know I have a chance of becoming a hero since my quirk bloomed, but two years after graduating I would die and that's when I decided....

I will become a vigilante. Likewise, I know you are probably thinking..... at the age of four? Well just to tell you I am four and a half and I don't need to use my quirk's, I will train quirkless. But of course I will train my quirk's, but I won't use my quirk's when I fight. I don't need any quirks to be a vigilante.

I hate hero's, only patrolling the populated part's of the city. Using flashy quirk's to gain fame and money.

If that Enderwhore's hadn't killed my brother, I could have lived with him........

3rd POV

True to his word, Izuku began training quirkless and with a quirk. He had gathered stuff from Dagobah beach weapon's, gear and other gadgets he had also learned how to make fake fingerprint's. (Don't ask me how) he placed the fake fingerprint's on all of his gear in case he left them.

He was still bullied for being quirkless (he did not reveal he has quirks) Bakugo still being the main part of it

His costume (it is the same one Izu wore in my other book)

He wore a white mask with a voice changer built in it.

And one day at the age of 6 he saved a certain Todoroki

End of chap thanks for reading

Bye peep's!

His costume (it is the same one Izu wore in my other book)

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His costume (it is the same one Izu wore in my other book)

He wore a white mask with a voice changer built in it.

And one day at the age of 6 he saved a certain Todoroki

End of chap thanks for reading

Bye peep's!

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