Chapter 4

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Current age: 7 years old

3rd POV

After that incident, Izuku was forced to go back to live again with his father. And it was worse than before, the bullying got worst and his father was worst. At this point with the many battle scar's mixed with bullying and abuse you could say he is a war veteran that was on the front line his entire life.

Izuku had taken down yakuza's, gang leader's and mafia's all in 2 weeks at the age of seven, fighting quirkless and injured. The underworld had started to fear him, but now fear wasn't a definition of what they felt.

They. Were. Traumatized.

Of course, no one knew his age thanks to the voice changer, but they knew he was injured. And the voice's in his head got louder, the happy day's and radiant smile on his face are long gone and replaced by a tired seven-year-old fighting because he does not have time. Because in case you forgot he's dying, with every second that tick's away his system is more consumed by the poison.

One day after defeating a rising yakuza, he was met with Eraserhead on the roof. "I am sorry Eraserhead, but I'm afraid I have run" the child said, but in the middle of the sentence his voice changer broke, and he spoke in a squeaky voice. Zuku panicked and quickly ran, forgetting he can erase Eraserhead's memory, Eraserhead looked stunned. The vigilante Charm is a child and judging from his voice and use of speech he was around 10-12, way younger than even the student's he taught.

Eraserhead was determined to catch the young vigilante not to put him behind bar's, but to take care of him. Because he was sure behind the confident mask is someone broken, and so Eraserhead tracked Zuku down like never before. But Izuku having the IQ higher than Nezu, Eraserhead and detective Tsukaushi including the police got nowhere but dead end's.

The poor child worked extremely hard, and so did the police and pro's. Zuku visited his brother's grave every day, telling his dead brother about what happened who he saved who tried to kill him who bullied him and his stupid excuse of a father who Izuku still sort of loved. Izuku told him everything from remorse to recalling the good old day's, when Oliver was alive or when Todoroki hadn't betrayed him.

Izuku just finish fighting of a villain, when he turned to the boy his age that he had saved. The boy had lilac purple hair and eye bag's similar to Zuku's, Izuku observed the bruise's that he recognized from abuse. "Your parents are abusive" Zuku said simply, the boy nodded, "come with me" Zuku said. The lilac boy followed the young vigilante, "what is your name?" Zuku asked. "Hitoshi Shinso" the lilac boy replied, Zuku nodded and walked into the police station like he owned the place. "I need to talk to detective Tsukauchi" Zuku said, and the receptionist nodded.

As Zuku recalled the first time he went in, everybody tried to catch him, but all he did was say. "You won't be able to catch me I have info but if you dare touch me in the police station ground's unless I am willing, all of Japan will vanish. We can play our game of cat and mouse outside these grounds," he said that with such a deadly aura, no one approached him. Back to the present, Izuku talked with Tsukauchi and agreed that someone had to adopt Shinso, as if on cue Eraserhead appeared and agreed to adopt Shinso- or Aizawa now. After everything was sorted, Zuku or Charm disappeared. Charm visited his brother's grave again, little did he know the ghost of his brother was next to him thinking.

"Izuku's eye's........ the kind of eye's a child should not have. The eye's of someone who seen death, the eye's of someone who knows pain, the eye's of someone who been through too much at a young age. The eye's..............

Of an abandoned child"

End of chap and I feel so bad

Let us pray for our good green god.

1 = 100 prayers including sacrifice's for Zuku

Goodbye peep's 

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