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Jimmy POV

Who knew Daniel was one of his kind? Those were the thoughts running through his mind.

Maybe he misread the situation. I mean there are plenty of things that it could've been. Right? Did Blodwen know about her brother's sickness? Poor Blodwen, I better write her. He picked up a pen and wrote a letter.

Dearest Blodwen,
How are you my darling? I hope you're well.
I'm writing to tell you about your brother's ailment. You see the poor chap is attracted to other men. Disgraceful I know. I just wanted to inform you of this unfortunate occurrence. I love you.
All my love,

"What are you writing so early Jimmy?" Daniel asked from behind him.

He quickly folded the letter to see him looking over my shoulder, hair obviously ruffled. "Oh this is just a letter ex employer. It's just asking for a case I need to apply for another job."

"Oh alright I understand..." Daniel said, suspicious.

"I should go post it now...goodbye." I hurried away from Daniel.

Daniel POV

Well that was peculiar,  Daniel thought to himself.

"I have a weird feeling about him. I should go talk to Thomas." He thought.

" Thomas do you have a minute?" Daniel asked.

"Not right now Daniel. I'm busy." He answered, carrying a pot of tea.

"Okay." He muttered.

He walked around and found Ms. Baxter sitting at the table. It seemed that, for once, he wasn't the only one unoccupied during the day. " Hello Ms. Baxter."

"Hello Daniel." She always seemed like a kind woman.

"May I ask you a question?" He sat down.

"How can I help? "

"Has Jimmy ever acted suspicious?"

"I haven't been here for very long, but yes he usually does. Why?"

"Well, he was writing a letter and when I asked him about it, he struggled to answer the question."

"Did he happen to say to whom it's written to?"

"His old employer, I think."

"Oh Lady Anstruther. They have quite a history. "

"What do you mean by history?"

"Oh its not really my place to say."

"Please it's important."

"Okay. Well I know she sends him a valentine every year."

"Are they still, seeing each other?"

"I couldn't say. I really don't know much beyond that."

"Thank you Baxter."

(Later that evening, after dinner, outside)

Thomas POV

"I don't understand Daniel, your sister is with Jimmy?" Thomas questioned.

"Yes, and I was starting to accept it, but now I'm not sure." Daniel paced.

Thomas pulled out a cigarette. "Go on."

"Thomas we talked about this." Daniel stuck his palm out.

"Do I have to?" Thomas whined like the children in the nursery.

Forbidden: A Downton Abbey FanficWhere stories live. Discover now