The Bachelor Party

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Ok guys here we go. I've been planning this update for a while. Ps don't hate me. There will be some confusing dialogue in here because there's a drinking scene. Thank you for all the new followers and readers I really adore your comments! darrey719 roisinscoble0 I'm so sorry for not always replying quickly, I have to go to school and all. Love you, as always vote and comment!

Jimmy POV

" But Jimmy, it's a tradition." Blodwen shouted.

" Bloddie, it's fine. I don't need a bachelor party. I just want to spend time with you. "

"Jimmy come on. It'll be great. You can invite all your friends and Danny will go."

"I don't know Bloddie. Those type of parties never really end well." He said.

"Come on its just a bit of fun Jimmy."

" Alright, only if it'll make you happy."

"Thank you."

"I love you. You know?"

"Oh you're silly. I love you too"

I kissed her and walked out to the sidewalk.

Daniel POV


"Yeah Daniel."

"I love you."

"Oh I love you too, but why are you saying it now?"

"I don't know, I just feel really uneasy."

I laid my head on his chest and snuggled up to him.

" Oh Daniel. You never need to be afraid,  because I'm here to protect you."

He kissed my forehead, and all was peaceful, except for a knock on the door.

This isn't my room,  what if someone sees us? What would happen?

"Daniel? Are you in there?" A familiar masculine voice asked.

"Jimmy?" I whispered.

"Could you come to the door? I have to speak with you." He whispered back.

I creaked open the door and stepped outside.

"Jimmy, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I've come to invite you to a party." He shrugged,  scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"What kind of party, and why did you leave?" I wondered aloud.

" I'm getting married. " I pinned him up against the wall as soon as the words left his mouth.

"What? How could you do this to Blodwen? You knew how she felt about you!" I exclaimed.

" Da-nny. Pl-ease. P-ut. Me. Down." He coughed and I lowered him back to the ground.

"I'm getting married..." He cleared his throat, "To Blodwen. "

I grinned from ear to ear. " That's fantastic! I do apologize. "

He chuckled. " Can we try not to be so violent, every time you see me?"

"Will do. So what is the party?" I asked.

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