The Wedding Part 1

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The pic is what I wanted her dress to look like, don't mind the face of the model, that is not Blodwen.

Danny POV

It had been six days and I could walk now, so I stood up and traveled to the kitchen.
I looked over to the table, only to see Thomas and Bloddie laughing. I'm glad they're getting on.

Thomas POV

" Come on, you and Jimmy were honestly going to have that at your wedding. How can I stay serious?" I chuckled, struggling to take her seriously.

" It's not that bad Thomas!" She playfully nudged my shoulder.

" Oh really, daisies at a wedding?" I laughed again as she punched me again.

"Well it sounds ridiculous when you put it that way." She frowned.

"It sounds quite ridiculous any way you say it." I answered back. I looked at the time. "Now is the perfect time to get the flowers." I rushed her out the door.

We ran out the door like a loud group of children. "Come on Blodwen. We don't have all day. " I teased.

" Thomas the wedding is next week. We'll be fine." She laughed, as I pulled her to the store ahead of us. " Wow. I never realized how close this store was."

"It isn't very extravagant on the outside, but the inside is magnificent. I promise. Not to mention the wonderful biscuits they sell across the street from here. The glaze is heavenly. " I looked at the small flower shop in front of me.

" No wonder Danny likes you so much." She crossed her arms, and smiled.

" What?" I asked her, confused.

"You are so gooey and sentimental, just like him. He finds little things and remembers them forever. No matter how small. " I blushed as we walked through the entrance to the store.

" Hello! Thomas is that you?! Come here!" I saw the top of my sister's head through an order of tulips.

She practically flew over to where I was standing to examine me, pinching my cheeks in the process. " What can I do for you Thomas?"

"Well I would like to order some arrangements for a wedding, next week." I said, simply.

" Oh my older brother is going to be married! Is this the lovely bride-to-be? How do you do? I'm Katherine, Thomas's sister." Katherine said, quickly.

" Katherine they aren't for me. This is my....friend's sister who is getting married." I struggled to say Danny was only a friend.

" What a pity. Alright. What kind of flowers?" She asked, the disappointment evident in her voice.

Blodwen stepped in. "Lilies, please."

"Traditional or modern arrangement?" Katherine replied.

"Traditional please." Blodwen said after debating the choices.

"Alright they should be finished in two days, so come pick them up." We began to walk out, but Blodwen stopped and spun around.

" Would you like to come? I mean not many people are going and you are arranging the flowers." I wanted to shoot myself, this was a disaster waiting to happen.

My sister looked overjoyed. " Of course! Thank you! I adore weddings! Oh and this will be the perfect time to introduce you to my friend, Thomas! She's intelligent, attractive, unmarried."

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