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I walked into the police station while holding ice's hand as ski went behind us.

"What? Did you kill someone now?" The officer said as I came in.

"Daddy would never kill anyone!" I heard Ice hissed back at him.

But boy she was wrong.

"Oh? Who do we have here?"

"Dolly Stone. The missing girl." I said sitting down with her.

After a few moments of the officer looking at ice he called her dad and we all go taken to a room.

"My daughter! I missed you!" Her dad said hugging her while she tried to get out.

"Get off me!" Ice screamed.

We all sat down, me with ski, ice with her dad and the officer in the center.

"Where did you find her?" The officer asked looking unsurely of me.

"Woods, she ran into me." I said telling the truth.

"Liar! He kidnapped my daughter!" Her dad said standing up.

"You literally drugged her and left her in the woods but ight?" I replied in a calm voice.

"Whoa those are two very serious accusations." The officer said hushing us. "What happened?" He asked ice.

"I was at home drinking milk then I fell asleep then I woke up in the woods and i tried to find my way back home but I couldn't so then I cried and pumped into them and they offered to take me home and I took a bath and they got me new things and gave me a new room." Ice smiled as I noticed she was slowly getting out of little space.

"Do you know anything about yourself?" He asked while writing things down.

I hoped she didn't fuck this part up.

"I'm Dolly, 16 years old, I live in Florida, my father's name is Andrew Stone and my mom's name is Clover Stone. I have one older brother who is 23 and his name is Kelly Stone but he lives in Texas. My favourite thing to do is bake and play with animals. My original hair colour is brown but I decided to go blonde a year ago." She said perfectly.

I hate Dolly.

"Well, Mr. Stone, You may take Dolly home and You two can go home." Officer smiled.

"No! I don't wanna go home with him! Let me go!" Ice stomped.

I hated when she was a brat but this is the perfect moment.

I grabbed ice telling her "imma get you back, don't worry, I love you be a good girl." I said kissing her.

"You disgusting teenager don't kiss my child!" Stone barked.

"Bye Daddy Seh, Bye Uncle Pokely." She waved.

We got out Watching them leave.

"Fuck." I heard ski whisper.

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