Part 6

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A few more weeks pass and Alice finally was able to get away from her family minus Edward since he was somewhere no one knew, she had checked in on Edward and Bella with her visions but couldn't see Bella that well. She hoped it was because she was hanging out with the wolves, she knew at least she couldn't look into the house or anywhere near Ashley since Leah was usually close. They couldn't meet in the house since Charlie was home, the bed was still broken and Bella was there. She would have to find a way to cross the wolf territory to go to the Cullen's house where they would meet, she hums to herself knowing the moment she steps on the territory they'd know. She could go around but she was rather eager to see them again, calling and texting wasn't enough for her she wanted to see them. And touch them. She hissed irritatedly and decided to just fuck it, no one was allowed to see her so she went as fast as she could. Climbing into a tree to avoid the wolves that were coming closer she finally crossed the territory but stays hidden, the wolves didn't follow her onto the territory but growl. One however did, a silver coloured one, Alice smiles to herself before jumping down beside the wolf "Hey Leah" The wolf jumps slightly growling before licking her hand Alice giggles "C'mon I'll show you where the house is, Ashley should already be there." Leah nods and runs after Alice who led her towards the house Alice going a little faster when she hears a motorcycle shut off and a human heart beating, the wolf let out a weird noise almost as if laughing seeing the vampire picking up the human and spinning her around. Ashley giggles "Hey Alice" She mumbles giving her a quick kiss and then looks at Leah who sat down "Ah yes you don't have clothes..." Alice hums and opens the door going inside, somehow the huge wolf was able to get inside "We've seen you naked" Ashley points out Alice biting her lip "Turn back I'm sure if you want Alice got some clothes for you" The wolf growls slightly before she turned back human "I feel exposed" She mumbles feeling eyes on her taking her in hungrily, Alice was the first one to do something and walked closer before giving her a long kiss her hands gripping Leah's waist lightly. "Hmm we should take this to a room which one is yours?" Alice picked up Ashley bringer her to the room with her superspeed then doing the same with Leah, Ashley laughs "Found it" She mumbles before laying on the bed, she had a feeling she knew why the bed was there and when she raises her eyebrow at Alice she knew it for sure.

Leah pulls Alice close before resuming to kiss her while Ashley runs her fingers up and down Leah's back her other hand gripping around Alice's pants, Leah pulls away for air leaving the vampire with half closed eyes as she was still savouring the moment. Ashley pulls her closer and kisses her full on the lips she did it rather aggressive which earned a moan as she feels Alice try and get some friction down there, she continues kissing her as Leah painfully slow takes of Alice's pants kissing her right underneath her underwear just to tease her some more. Ashley starts kissing down her jaw and looks at the shirt "This has to go..." Alice fucking ripped that shirt off making Ashley laugh before she kisses the other girl again, Leah helped Ashley take off her pants and shirt as most care was shown to the vampire right now. Leah would be in for a treat but they hadn't seem Alice and both craved her, Ashley looks Alice in the eye as she was about to undo the bra Alice nods and the boobies holder is off and gets thrown away. She takes a nipple into her mouth as Leah got behind Alice her warm hands getting onto the cold back before slowly going down to the waist and to the stomach, she reaches down and slips her hand into Alice's under moaning slightly at the wet feeling she felt once she plays with her folds. Alice moans even more and grabs onto the closet door breaking it none of them seem to even notice it as they continue, Leah finally pushing in one finger while she kisses Alice's neck the vampire groans leaning into the wolf as the human was focused on her boobs. Leah continues to finger Alice but stops when she knew she was close, Ashley bites her lip as she took of the underwear of Alice biting her lip as she sees how wet she feels "Hmm we should move onto the bed" She speaks loud enough for them to hear as she gives a small kiss right above Alice's clit, Leah's hand travels up and licks her finger clean "Hmm you taste good Alice" She mumbles

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