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"Then kill me, Kim Chaewon, Kill me."

Those words started keeps on repeating in her head. She can feel the excitement in her blood.

"So you are saying that you're ready to meet your father in hell?" Chaewon asked that made the man laugh at her words. "If I'll die, i will bring you with me." The man said and smirked. "It's nice meeting you Chantal Kim, one of the top serial killer in korea." He said before leaving Chaewon standing alone.

Chantal Kim

She smiled after hearing that name, it's been awhile when she last heard someone called her by that name, and it's been awhile since she met some worthy opponents that she'll sent to hell.

She decided to leave before someone saw her.


The girls are walking at the corridors, they are quiet especially their maknae.

"Is there something wrong, Wonyoung?" Yuri asked the youngest but the youngest just continued walking, ignoring the words of the older girl.

"There's really something going on, don't you think?" Yuri asked hitomi and she nodded her head. A few moments have passed and everyone else is quiet, no one dared to speak.

Yuri can sense something, like someone is watching them and because of that she stopped her tracks.

"Yul? Something's wrong?" Hyewon asked the younger and she just smiled. "Don't mind me, i just need to go to the restroom." Yuri answered Hyewon.

"Oh, sure." Hyewon replied as yuri smiled before she left.

Yuri lied.

She's not going to the restroom.

She knows that someone is following them. She noticed a man looking at her friends, she was about to went near the man but someone pulled her.

"He's dangerous." A familiar voice whispered, she was froze in her place when she heard that voice, she felt chills on her spine. Yena, who's standing while holding Yuri's wrist is the one who pulled her. Her first love.

Yena smiled at her and let go of her wrist. "Sorry." Yena said before leaving Yuri alone.

Alot of questions are inside her mind right now, She's confused and froze. Alot of thoughts are coming.

"So, are you going to stand there the whole day?" She heard a familiar voice behind her. The girl walks slowly towards her and tapped her shoulder. "Standing here won't do any good, you should go now." The girl behind her said, she feel cold and nervous.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are Jo Yuri, right?" She asked and all Yuri's can do is to nod her head. She walked infront of Yuri and smiled.

The girl infront of her makes her calm down. "Oh, Chaewon sunbae." Yuri said and sighs. "Did i scared you?" Chaewon asked as Yuri shook her head.

"You seems scared and nervous, are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah I'm alright." Yuri answered and smiled.

"Class is starting soon, you should go now." Chaewon said to Yuri that bring her back to her senses. "Oh shookt! I forgot!" Yuri said and thanks Chaewon before leaving.

Chaewon smiled while watching the girl's shadow slowly disappearing. A few moments, her smile faded as soon as she saw a certain someone.

"You're going to kill that guy?" The girl asked Chaewon. "You wouldn't stopped me, right?" She asked. "Oh my freaking god, i hate you, you always answered my questions with a question." The girl said.

"But that's what i like about you, partner." The girl said and smiled. "Felix doesn't know that I'm your partner, didn't he?" She asked and Chaewon nodded her head.

"We killed innocent people who happened to find out what we did. God, my inner personality is really differentto what i showed to other people." The girl said. "You're coming with me?" Chaewon asked and the girl nodded.

"Of course, i would like to come." The girl said and smiled. "Well then, see you later, Kim Minjoo." Chaewon waved goodbye and smiled.


Class is finally over Chaewon with her so called partner is meeting that guy again. They are in the place where no one knows.

"Well, Chaewon, who's that masked girl with you?" The guy asked. "Guess." Chaewon said and smirked. "I'll go stand by." Minjoo whispered and Chaewon nodded.

"So, should we use knives?" Chaewon asked as the guy smirked. "Seems like I'm going to enjoy killing you." The guy said. "You're the one who'll get killed." Chaewon said.

The guy tried to stabbed Chaewon but she dodged it, it wouldn't be easy to kill her since she have alot of experience on killing bullshit humans.

The excitement in Chaewon's eyes is visible as she tried to stabbed the man but he dodged it.

Chaewon smiled.

Everything is going according to her plan.

The guy tried to stabbed her again but luckily chaewon grab his arm and stabbed it with her knife.

Blood started to fall as the guy wrenched in pain. Chaewon remove her knife. She kick him in his chest as he fall down.

"Seems like you gotten older, you seems weak." Chaewon mumbled.

"Are you really that man who tried to kill me 10 years ago?" She asked

The guy knows that anger is eating Chaewon inside as he laughs and let go of his knife.

"Kill me then." The guy said with a sadness in his eyes. "I was fooled 10 years ago."

"They told me that they will let go of my family if i kill you, your brother and your parents, but i didn't kill the two of you because i find out that they already killed my family." The guy said. He stand up.

Chaewon stabbed him in his stomach. "I'll kill you slowly." Chaewon said as she continued stabbing the man. Anger, sadness, excitement, exhaustion is what Chaewon is feeling right now.

Blood splattered in every part of this abandoned place. Chaewon feels like it wasn't enough and it will never be.

She's mad.

She stabbed the man in his chest and she handcuffed him as she laughs. Her face is full of blood just like her hands that is covered with blood.

"Did you have fun?" The masked girl asked. "No."

"He surrendered, i really thought, he would give me the fun i wanted but yeah, he give up that easily." Chaewon answered.

"Then should we clean this up?" The masked girl asked as Chaewon smiled and nodded. "By the way, did you got hurt?" The masked girl asked Chaewon.

"Nope, not even a single scratch." Chaewon smiled. "What should we do after we cleaned up?" The masked girl asked.

"Let's proceed to the next plan, min."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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