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The school starts again, I'm too lazy to come to school but i don't know what will i do inside of my freaking boring house.

"Joyul!!" I heard someone called me, eventhough I'm too lazy to look back but i need to, i know it was a voice of one of my friends, and yeah it's Hitomi.

"Yow Hichan!" I said and smiled at her eventhough I'm not happy, i need to smile to pretend I'm alright even I'm not.

"Where's the others?" I asked. "Eunbi unnie have a meeting with student council officers, Chaeyeon unnie is practicing dancing with the other members of dance troupe, Nako, Sakura unnie and Hyewon unnie are not yet here in the school, and Wonyoung is tutoring yujin in the library." Hitomi said

"Ahh." I said to her and we walk together. We're walking and then i saw one student that really gets my attention, and that person is my ex girlfriend Choi Yena. I can still remember the pain that she cost to me when we broke up.

When we're together, i feel comfortable and loved, i change because of her and for the first time in my life i felt important and complete. But that feelings change when she cheated at me. I ignored the rumor about her before when she's still courting me but that rumor turns out to be the truth.

The rumor about her before is true, she's a cheater, she cheat on her ex before that named Takahashi Juri. Then i also heard when we broke up she change girlfriend everyday.

I still love her but i can't be with her anymore, she's having an affair with one of my classmate behind my back.

"I HATE YOU!" We heard someone shout, it was from a student infront of yena crying. I clenches my fist, she didn't change, she's still that cheater choi yena.

"Can you just please understand that i don't like you anymore." Yena said while the girl is still crying. "Y-You s-said y-you l-love m-me!" The girl shouted again and we saw students watching the two of them.

"Yena change, she become worst." Hitomi said while watching the two talking.

"I can't believe you fall for that jerk." Hitomi said to me. Me too, i can't believe it.

"Hey hichan, let's go." I said and she just look at me, she gives a look that saying okay, miss ex-choi

We walked away not even looking back, I'm holding this pain inside myself, i can't even tell them I'm in pain, i can't even cry infront of my friends. I hate it, I hate this, I hate myself, I hate Jo Yuri.

"Miss, your necklace fell." I heard someone said and we look back and saw a girl holding my necklace. She walked to us and hand me the necklace.

"I know this is yours." That girl said and give me a warm smile and at that moment i can't hear anything, I'm just looking at her innocent face.

I can't hear anything, i can't even move, there's nothing on my mind. "T-Thank you." I thanked her while still looking at her.

"Be careful next time, there's alot of people who are want to steal other people things." She said to me. "By the way what's your name?" She asked.

"J-Jo Y-Yuri i-is m-my n-name." I answered and she smiled at me. "You have a nice name, anyways I'm Kim Chaewon and it was nice meeting you." She introduced herself to us.

"N-Nice t-to m-meet y-you t-too." I said.

"Ehem! I'm still here! Ehem!" I heard hitomi's voice that made me looked at the girl beside me. "O-Oh! I-I f-forgot t-to i-introduce h-her." I said to Chaewon. "I'm Honda Hitomi and I love bread and you!" Hitomi introduced herself to chaewon.

I never saw hitomi using a flirty voice. Ohmyghadnis.

Mianhae for not updating this story but still thank you for supporting me.

So Yuri and Chaewon now met, what will happened next?

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