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"Chaewon, we'll be late for school!" Felix shouted. "Just fucking shut up Kim Yongbok."I said while glaring at Felix.

"Okay I'll shut up." Felix said, he was scared of me. "We have a schedule for tonight." I coldly said. "WHAT?!" Thats what felix reaction when i told him about it.

"We should stop Chaewon! We killed those brats but we also killed innocent people! What if we get caught?!" Felix asked. "Then run away." I coldly answered.

"What?" He asked. "Then you should run away, I'll take all the blame." I answered. "WHAT THE?!!! KIM FUCKING CHAEWON!!" He yelled at me.

"Stop yelling you're breaking my eardrums." I said. "But Chae-" i cut of what felix is about to say. "Stop bro, don't think of anything and act like nothing is wrong." I said to him.

"Chaewon, it's still wron-" i cutted him once again. "We're always in the wrong side bro, so just shut up and be ready cause we're going to school." I said to him.

"Between the two of us, i killed many people than you, so if we get caught I'll take all the blame." I said but.

"I'll take the blame instead." We heard someone said. "Uncle Jungwon!" Felix shouted our uncles name with a angry face.

"If one of us get caught, then I'll take the blame." Uncle Jungwon said. "Uncle!" Me and felix shouted in unison. "The both of you are still young, and as what i promised before, I'll support the two of you and I'll protect the two of you." Uncke jungwon said.

"But thats not right!" Felix shouted. "Yongbok, stop shouting." Uncle jungwon said. "Get ready, I'll take you to your school." Uncle jungwon said and we just follow what he said.

We arrived at the school, to be honest, i don't like studying but i need to study, i also waste my childhood because of the incident that had happened before.

Anyways, both me and felix were too popular in the school. I don't likse the way they treat the both of us but i have to act like nothing is wrong and everything is alright so that they won't think that we're too suspicious.

Anyways, Yongbok have a bestfriend, his one and only true friend and his name is Seo Changbin.

I also have a friend, bestfriend i guess? But I'm too secretive and she doesn't know who really i am. My friend name is Choi Yena, the playgirl.

Well Yena's current girlfriend is making a scene inside the school. I'm not a playgirl but I'm a devil.

I was walking on my way to yena but i saw a girl that mad me stop from walking, i look at the ground as i saw a necklace.

"Miss, your necklace fell." I said to the girl as she look back at me while I'm holding her necklace. I walked to them as i hand her the necklace.

"I know this is yours." I said to her with a sweet smile on my face(i never smiled like this to someone. She's the first one who see this kind of me.)
"T-Thank you." She thanked me while we both are still staring to each other.

"Be careful next time, there's alot of people who are want to steal other people things." I said to her. "By the way what's your name?" I asked.

"J-Jo Y-Yuri i-is m-my n-name." She introduced herself. Her name is beautiful, Jo Yuri... "You have a nice name, anyways I'm Kim Chaewon and it was nice meeting you." I introduced myself to them.

"N-Nice t-to m-meet y-you t-too." She said.

"Ehem! I'm still here! Ehem!" The other girl who have a cute cheeks said "O-Oh! I-I f-forgot t-to i-introduce h-her." Yuri said to me. "I'm Honda Hitomi and I love bread and you!" The girl introduced herself as i chuckled.

"Stop kidding around, little kid. By the way, you looked cute, keeps smiling like that." I said as i saw her blush.


"Chaewon~ah, we gotta go." Yuri said as she pulled hitomi away. I smiled and waved goodbye.

"See you around."

As what i said yesterday, I'll publish this story and I'm glad i made it! I'm too busy answering modules hshs.

Hope you guys like it♡

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