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We went to our club room(well wonyoung's father is too freaking rich, he have shares in this school also, so the principal and the other staffs of the school let us used this room) When we arrived there, we saw the others

"Seems like someone's blushing here while looking at her necklace." Eunbi unnie said. "WHAT?! I'M NOT!" I shouted

"Well, well, well, what happened?" Nako curiously asked. "This is what happened, you know Kim Chaewon, right? Kim Minjoo's ex girlfriend slash our senior." Hitomi said to the others and i acted like i don't care

"We bumped onto her then joyul's necklace falls and chaewon sunbae picked it up for her." Hitomi said to them. "That's the beginning of a new story." Yujin said and smirked. This brat...

"Hi guys, what did we missed?" Sakura unnie, Nako, and Hyewon unnie went inside the room. "Yuri's crush." Hitomi said.

"I don't have a crush on her!!" I said and they laughed at me. "You're like that when you and Yena sunbae first met, and you're blushing just like now." Nako said.

"Well seems like history repeats itself." Sakura unnie said and sit beside Chaeyeon unnie.

"Chaewon is my classmate, should i tell her?" Chaeyeon unnie asked everyone and they laugh. "Not now jjaeyeon, yul need some time." Sakura unnie said and smiled at chaeyeon unnie.

"Sure thing, jagi." Chaeyeon said and smiled. "Ew, PDA." Nako said and went to wonyoung.

"Is it hard to teach that big dog beside you?" Nako asked Wonyoung. "Excuse me, I'm not that hard to taught." Yujin said to Nako. "K fine." Nako said.

"Guys, let's do some vlog someday." Sakura said. "Well, if we're not that busy anymore." Eunbi unnie said while answering her homework.

"Can't believe that the president of student council is doing her homework at school when she should do that in home cause its 'HOMEwork'." Hyewon unnie said and made us chuckle.

"Shut up, you never pass homeworks." Eunbi unnie said. "Cause i don't want to do it in home and it shouldn't be done in school so, that would be useless." Hyewon unnie said to eunbi unnie. We're having chitchat here but then we heard a phone ring.

"May i get excuse for a while?" Wonyoung asked Eunbi unnie and Eunbi unnie nooded her head. "It seems important, go answer it." Eunbi unnie said to Wonyoung and smiled. Wonyoung smiled back and went out the room.

"It's too boring." Nako said and pouted her lips. "Well, that's true though." Hitomi said as she sighs.

Yujin stand up and put her notebooks inside her back. "Studying is too boring, i feel like I'm dying." Yujin said.

"It's because there's dying in StuDYING." Sakura unnie said to yujin. "Should we eat first? I wanna eat cake" Hyewon unnie said.

"Kang, you always wanted to eat cake, there's nothing new with that." Chaeyeon unnie said to Hyewon unnie. "I'm older than you!" Hyewon unnie said to Chaeyeon unnie.

"You know guys, i feel something when you guys around just like when I'm studying." Nako said. "I thought studying pissed you off?" I asked Nako. "Exactly." Nako answered as hitomi push her lightly

"Go away, you said i pissed you off, go away, shooo." Hitomi said. "There's an exception." Nako said.

"Ew PDA." Yujin said and went to Hyewon unnie. "We're singles." Yujin said to Hyewon unnie. "Do i care?" Hyewon unnie asked yujin

"Ow." That's what our reaction was.

"I'm hungry." Hyewon unnie said as she sighs. "Do we care?" Yujin asked sarcastically. "Yah, Ahn yujin do you have a death wish?" Hyewon unnie asked while glaring at Yujin.

"O..oh." Yujin said and run to eunbi unnie. "Eunbi unnie, Hyewon unnie is trying to kill me with her glares." Yujin said

"Stop that, class is starting soon, let's go." I said to them as i get my bag, they are annoying at some time.


A man in black watching the girls going out the club room as he smile at them creepily.

But then

"Hey, what are you doing here?" A voice behind him asked as he look behind him.

He smiled as soon as he saw who's that person is. "You're still the same." The man said to that person

"You still have that predator's eyes, looks like you wanted to kill me in an instant." The man said.

"I don't care about you, you should never enter this school again." The other person said.

"Why I shouldn't enter this school? This isn't yours in the first place." The man said and left a creepy smile.

The other person clenches its fist and look at him directly in the eyes. "If you lay yoir foot here once again, I'll kill you with my own bare hand." The person said.

"Then kill me, Kim Chaewon, Kill me."

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